Monday, January 19, 2009

Productive Day

I slept in this morning until 9, and it felt so good. I must have slept really hard becasue my eyes were all swollen and puffy looking. It looked like I had slept hard. Anyway, I wasn't up long until I went to clean. Steve actually took me (remember, he was off work today). He dropped me off and went to turn my car in to get the hood fixed and pick up the rental car.

He had to make a trip to Old Hickory to deliver something go Andy. He came back to get me and we headed downtown to pick out his new glasses. He gets his eye stuff done down there because it's really close to his work which makes it convenient. Anyway, we got some Autumn would say...."hot" glasses. And, Autumn, they are that square look that you mentioned. I must say, he does look really "hot" in!

By the time we got back to the house, it was almost time for Chandler, me and Morgan to go get our hair cut. I got a super short cut this time. I really like it. It's different, but I like it.

Tonight dinner consisted of left over chili from yesterday and grilled cheese sandwhiches.

A very cool thing happened tonight. I was praying about something in particular for someone very special to me. I felt like letting the person know that I had been praying, so I texted them and just simply said...."Just got out of my closet". I very quickly got a text back from this person. They had had a very hard day but about 30 minutes ago, felt better. That was exactly when I was in my closet praying!!!!! I love it! I'm reminded of the scripture that says He will answer before we even ask. God is faithful! If we will be faithful to seek Him for the answers......HE IS FAITHFUL!!!!!!!

So, it 's been a good day! A very good day!


Autumn said...

:) yay I can't wait to see them on him!!!

Kasey said...

Post pics of you and Steve

Tam said...
