Friday, January 23, 2009

For Autumn

The revival has been great! And, the best's not over yet. Bro. Hawkins has been preaching some wonderful messages. The Spirit of the Lord has been among us. The first night he preached on God's Grace. Tonight his message was....Is there Hope for someone like me?

The Lord has been blessing but I know He wants to do more. We have 3 more scheduled revival services and I'm expecting great things. I just pray that everyone of us yield to His Will!!!!

I'm tired. I'ts 12:49 AM. Chandler just ask what I was doing still up and I have no idea. I guess it's the pancakes. A whole slew of us went to IHop tonight after service. We didn't even get there until 10pm. But, it was fun. I love the fellowship with God's people. There's nothing like it. There were about 10 to 15 young peoople there. I'm proud of our young people but I want to encourage each of you to get what you need from God in this revival. Don't worry about anything or anyone else. You...yes YOU might be the very one that leads the way. So, don't sit back on God. Please respond to His prompting!

Good nite!


Autumn said...

THANK YOU!! ;) I agree when Cha I could NOT believe I saw Tam Fox "online" at this hour!! I'm proud of ya you 35.7 year old you!! love ya!
oh and hey, I don't know if I've said this or not but you and your family are welcome ANYTIME at my house!! :) :)