Wednesday, January 30, 2008

My new "thing"

So, you guys know how I've decided to try and be a better steward with our money....remember the whole eating out every other weekend? Its' so funny how people have caught on to this...I have literally been asked..."is it yall's weekend to eat out?"

Anyway, Amy was sharing with me how she doesn't shop at Walmart anymore for her groceries. She cut's coupons and goes to Kroger and Publix now (because of the double coupon thing) and has really saved some money...even gotten things for free. I remember years ago Laura doing the same thing. She actually took me to Kroger one time to try and teach me how to shop wisely. So, this is gonna be my new "thing". Usually, I just go to Walmart, pile the shopping cart full and spend wwwwwaaaaayyyyy to much money, only to need more of the same things in just a matter of days (due to a teenage son who has a bottomless pit...hehe). I even went online this morning to kroger and publix (thanks to Amy's suggestion) to see what the sale adds were.

We don't receive the Sunday paper, but I think I'm gonna start getting it simply for the coupons. Some people are extremely good at this. I would love to get good at it. Amy told me that she's learning to buy what's on sale rather than what they want so much. Thankfully, I don't have picky eaters here at the Fox Den. My husband will eat literally anything and there are just a few things my kiddos don't care for. Chandler doesn't really like anything with Alfredo sauce and Morgan doesn't really care for chili too much. They NEVER complain about what's for dinner so that's a plus.

Hopefully, I'll be able to do this well. I think it will be exciting to see what kinda good deals I get, who knows, maybe I'll get some stuff for, huh?


Brandon Shaw said...

Sounds like a good idea to me :)

Mom picks up a lot of stuff at Aldis (sp?) too. You can get some really good prices there.

Vicki Smith said...

Oh, so THAT'S where the perfect husband and children are -- at YOUR house! :-) What a blessing to have a non-picky husband and kids. I wouldn't know about that personally. :-P Actually, if I just cook meat and potatoes EVERY meal my husband is not picky. I get so sick of the same-o and one reason I love having company over is that I use that opportunity to try out new recipes. Why don't you bring your I-like-everything-family over for supper some night?

Tam said...

Sis. Smith
Supper at your house would be great! Too bad we are 3 hours away. Next time we are in town....I might just take you up on it. I'll be expecting a great feast...LOL

Morgan said...

You can go shopping where ever you would like, just dont forget my chocolate syrup ;)

Tam said...

only if I have a

Netty said...

Morgan, honey, Sis. Net will buy you some chocolate syrup if mom can't find a coupon. (It'll have to be generic though!LOL!)
Tammy keep up the good work. I am almost done with Dave Ramsey's Total Money Makeover.
I just want to get out of debt!
I heard a lady testify on the radio that she didn't realize how important getting out of debt was until she had a friend who needed help bad and she had no way of helping her. She said that being out of debt helps you be used by God to bless others. I kind of like that.

Erika J. said...

i have found that alot of times kroger has great sales.

as far as picky eating... lance is extreeemely picky. drives me insane.