Thursday, January 3, 2008

Brain Freeze

I'm not sure if it's due to how cold it is or that we have been out of the routine of school for the past 2 weeks but some of those Algebra II problems today had my brain frozen. Overall though, our first day back wasn't too bad. Thank the Lord! It really didn't take all too long because the kids didn't have any tutorial work to do. They go back tomorrow for their two classes each and will get their new syllabus then.

I had to do the "every isle" day grocery shopping. This is what my kids starting calling it when I was out of everything and needed to pick up something from just about "every isle". They still to this day will ask "is it an every isle day" and if my answer is yes, they usually will not go, especially Chandler (not that he ever goes grocery shopping with me anyway) but it gives them a clue as to how long I will be before I'm back with food. Today was definitely an every isle day, plus some. I was out of everything. It took a little longer than usual cause Vic called me and for the life of me, I have not figured out how to push that cart and talk at the same time. So, I stood in isle 9 for probably 15 to 20 minutes talking to her. lol

I'm trying a new recipe for dinner tonight although Morgan just told me that Steve called and has to stay late at work tonight and they are just having pizza there and I really am not sure if my kids will like this new thing or not. It's a chicken taco soup. It looks really good to me but it has all these spices in it and I hope I didn't over do it and it comes out too hot. I like spicey but we'll see....I'll let yall know.

Tonight Lynn and the girls (Morgan & Katie) and I are trying something new. We are taking a yoga class. I have wanted to try it for some time now so tonight is the night. It's suppose to be good for flexability and stretching and overall stress. Man, who doesn't need that, right? Less stress....what does that mean? And it should help as we train for the marathon. Hopefully....

Back to the chicken taco soup dish. Is red crushed pepper hot? Anyone know?

God Bless


Katie said...

I'm excited about Yoga:D


Love you!

Vic said...

Red crushed pepper is very hot...

Tam said...

GREAT...I put alot in the pot!! What should I do?