Saturday, May 17, 2008

Today should be lovely

Autumn got into town last night. She's actually NOT staying with us this time....very weird. She came for Andrea's graduation so therefore, she's staying with the Yohe's. I don't really like it, but if I have to share, I guess I will share with the Yohe family. lol.

Josh brought her over last night after picking her up from the airport. I'm telling you, she can brighten up a room just by walking in. It's NEVER boring or QUIET when Autumn is around, and I wouldn't have it any other way. She has that drawing personality. I'm thankful the Lord brought us together. It's been a great blessing to have her in our lives.

This morning, Andrea and Micah are graduating from high school. Wow, I remember when Laura brought Andrea home from the hospital and Steve and I went to their apartment to visit. Shew, times flies. I cannot believe these kids are becoming adults. Man!!

Morgan has a soccer game at 2:00. And tonight, I don't know what is going on. Don't have plans as of right now. If we don't do anything, Steve and I may start putting the books on ebay. We have decided to sell our used home school books. I have tons of them, good ones. What I usually do is save them for Morgan when Chandler has finished. After Morgan has completed them, I don't need them anymore. I probably have several hundred dollars worth of books. So, we need to get pictures taken and get them put on so they will hopefully sell.

I need to have my devotion and get ready for graduation. Have a great day.

blessing - Autumn being here.


Autumn said...

Ahh Tam I love you! I seriously wanted to cry reading this post......maybe it's because it's almost 12 and......I'm home sick....if you know what I mean. I'm very thankful to be here too and extremely thankful for the Lord bringing us together. I love you!