Monday, May 5, 2008

Great Surprise!!!!

Monday mornings are gonna be the day that I clean Tommy's shop. So, I got up this morning and headed straight there, well, after going to Lowes to purchase a new mop. The old one was G-R-O-S-S! Anyway, it took me about 2 1/2 hours to get the job done.

I went from there back to Lowes to get some flowers. I've been wanting to do that and so today I did.

When I got home, I walked into the house and remember I said I went straight to Tommy's shop (after breakfast and my morning devotion). I didn't do anything in my house before I left. I didn't even make my bed. When I walked in, I noticed that the kitchen was clean. Not even one dish in the sink. I said to myself, out loud, "well, who cleaned?" As I headed through the living room I quickly noticed that my bed was made. "O.K. who's been cleaning?" I went straight upstairs to Morgans room and asked her who had cleaned, I knew she would know.

She said, "I did it. I knew you had to clean the shop and I wanted to clean the house for you". HOW SWEET IS THAT!!!!!!! Of course, I made a super big deal out of it, because it was a super big deal. I think I kissed her 2 or 3 times. That was my Great Surprise (my title).

On a much sadder note....

Tonight was Chandler's last soccer game (that's not the sad part). About 20 minutes into the game, a young man from the other team got kicked in the head, really hard and got basically knocked out. It was awful, it happened so fast. He got hit so hard that he had a seizer right there on the soccer field. Oh, it was so scary. Someone called 911 and the ambulance came for him. It was bad. I was praying for him. Because of this accident, the rest of the game got canceled. I really hope he's going to be O.K. I don't even know his name but please say a prayer for him.

Before the accident, Chandler made a beautiful goal. Man, it was perfect. Someone passed to him and BAM (in best Morgan voice), it went straight into the goal. I was so excited that I jumped right out of my seat and yelled for him.

Mom and Dad came but didn't get to see Chandler's goal. They were a little late and got there after the accident, so they didn't get to see any of the game. But, Daddy wanted to take us out to dinner. A group of us went to Chili's. I had the best salad. The chicken in it was a little spicy. Just enough to be really good.

Well, that's about it for today. I need to get the kids down here for family devotion.

good night

blessing - dinner tonight with my dad & mom