I'll explain the title in a few.....
This morning, I ran my usual 3 miles. It was extremely hot, but I pushed through and got it done.
Morgan slept over at a friends house tonight. Chandler went over to hang out at one of his friends house. He drove himself....man, that sounds so weird. He washed his car today and I must say, that puppy looks awesome. He even had the tires shining bright.
Tonight Steve, me, Rick, Les, Momma and Bradley went and ate Chinese. Steve and I went and picked Brad up. After eating, when we took him back home, we went in for a while. O.K. here comes the explanation of my title.....
There are those times, not too often, but times, when I wonder....is this it?!?!? Is this who he will be from now on?!? Is this the most of what we will get?!? I guess these thoughts are human thinking. Let me clarify one thing for sure.....I know and believe with all my heart that God is the Healer. He's the Great Physician and could whisper one word and Bradley could be made completely whole, if that was His Will!!!!! Those times of question, have NOTHING to do with God 's healing power, they are just simply thoughts of....."i wonder if"....
When we got Bradley back home he was sitting on the couch. I was sitting on the floor beside him talking with Rachel and Steve was just sitting in a chair across from Brad. Now, about 99.9% of the time, Bradley will not initiate talking. He will respond to you if you speak first but you have to speak first. Well, out of the blue Brad said, without ANY initiation...."Hey Steve....what's up"?
Rachel and I about died. I'm not kidding you. It shocked the fire out of all of us. I asked Steve if he had said anything to Brad first and he had not. The only thing Steve did was throw his head up at Brad. You know how guys do that as if to say, "how's it goin"? Well, he threw his head up to Brad but did not say a word and Brad spoke to him first.
I'm telling you, this was awesome!!!!! This is what I needed.
Of course I called my mom and Rick and in turn, my mom called my Nanny. Well, listen to this, the story gets even better.....
My Nanny said that she and Bob were praying this morning for Bradley. My Nanny asked the Lord to please let Bradley talk today. She said that the Holy Ghost spoke through her in that prayer and she KNEW Bradley would talk today. She told Bob, "I guarantee you, that today, even if its late tonight, Bradley will talk. It was about 9:15pm when this happened.
blessing - God IS still working!!!!!!!!! Our prayers ARE NOT in vain!!!!!! PRAISE HIS HOLY NAME!!!
Friday, May 30, 2008
Thank you Lord, I needed that!!!!
Posted by Tam at 8:10 PM 6 comments
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Catching up
Since I haven't posted since Monday.
Tuesday - Chandler "officially" got his driver's license. The place was closed on Monday, his actual birthday so we went at 12:30 on Tuesday. We all went, we, meaning all 4 of us. Chandler was a nervous wreck. But, he passed and can now drive alone, without Steve or me. Wow!
To celebrate, or actually because we were hungry we went from there to Chick-fil-A. I love that place. I think that's my favorite fast food chicken sandwich.
It didn't take long after we got home for Cha and Morgan to take off together in that new car of his. Morgan is as excited about this as Chandler is....for real. It has to be the Lord, because I'm not totally freaking out about my babies in a car, on the road, by themselves. They went to Wal-Mart, by my mom & dads house because that is where Josh was and he wanted to see the car. Then they went to Sonic and then to Lowes. They loved it.
Wednesday - I had just been saying how I wake up with the chickens these days. Well, not today. I slept in until 9:00 and even then woke up because the phone rang. I must have needed the extra sleep. Last night church was great. Momma preached a super great and timely message. It really spoke to my heart.
I took a cloth (prayer) to church last night to have anointed and prayed over to put in Chandler's car. When we got home, he put it in the glove box. I'm sure having our family pray and having the church pray and now putting this prayer cloth in his car is what is keeping me from freaking out. Thank God for His Peace.
This morning Morgan had an ortho. appointment. Her braces are off but they had to take impressions for her night guard/retainer. We had to run some errands after that. Those home school books that we put on ebay, well, one set sold already so I had to take them to the post office to mail. I still have several to list on ebay, hmmm, maybe we'll do that tonight.
For the past several summers, Chandler has participated in junior golf tournaments. He had his first one today. Steve called and said that he came in 2nd place.....Go Cha!
I guess that's all for right now
blessing - by faith/Steve's job !!!!!!!
Posted by Tam at 2:57 PM 3 comments
Monday, May 26, 2008
16 years ago tonight at 10:38pm
I delivered my first born. A baby boy weighing 8lb 15 oz. The love I felt at that moment is indescribable.
Chandler turned 16 today. We surprised him with his first car. A 1996 Mazda Millenia. Yah!!! Fun stuff!!!! The whole family came over for a cook out. We had parked the car in our neighbors driveway, so he wouldn't know. It was so cool. We had put the key to his car on his key chain with his house key. He didn't even realize it. When he finally realized the key was there, we told him he had to find the car so off he went along with Les and Morgan as you will see from the pics below. I was walking in front of them so I could capture every moment. It was great.
One thing I knew I wanted to do was have daddy anoint Chandler's car and have the family pray over it. So, we did just that as the first few pictures will show. It was a great day!
you can click on each pic to enlarge for better view
blessing - May 26, 1992
Posted by Tam at 7:23 PM 6 comments
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Another one for today
So, that 6:30am that I was talking about earlier, I'm sho nuf feeling it right about now. I'm tired. Today has been a good day though. I went to Perry's soccer game at 10:30, like I said. That's where I hooked back up with my daughter. Remember, she had been with Katie for 2 days.
When we left the game, we went to Kroger to get the stuff for Chandler's birthday cook out on Monday. Remember when our kids were little and we would buy the birthday candles that were numbers to represent what ever birthday they were having? Well, today I got a 1 and a 6 for 16 to put on Cha's cake. Isn't that cute? I know, I know, it's more for me than him.
I went back to the soccer field at 1:30 to see some of Abby's game. They are so cute running around all together in a clump. It's precious. Then, Morgan's game at 2:00. She scored 5 goals today. One of them was b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l. She kicked it with her left foot over heads and into the goal. Nice, real nice.
Morgan has been doing some babysitting for Perry and Abby lately, and these girls just absolutely love her, Perry especially. So, Perry wanted Morgan to spend the night with her tonight. Actually, she wanted her to last weekend but that didn't work out. She's at the Donnafield's tonight. This is the 3rd night in a row that my baby girl has been away from home. So, don't anyone else get any ideas about having her over for at least a couple of days. ha! After tonight, she's mine, for a few days anyway. ha!
Our band service tonight was great. Everyone sharing a scripture that was special to them and then telling why it was special really touched me. I enjoyed it.
After eating, we decided to play catch phrase. Boys vs. Girls. Guess who won? Girls, of course. We were behind in the beginning by several points and then all of a sudden we got on a roll. Woohoo, go girls! The teams were as follows - Tammy, Les, Lynn and Ondra vs. Steve, Rick, Gene, and Tim. Girls Rock!!!!! After only 1 game though, everyone was tired and ready to call it a night.
All in all, it has been a great day.
blessing - Bradley coming to Morgan's soccer game.
Posted by Tam at 7:19 PM 3 comments
Up and at um
I cannot sleep in. I've told this before, but it still stands. I do not sleep in later than 7:30 anymore. I guess it means I'm officially old. When I was younger, people (like my grandparents) who got up really early were just "old people". Well, that's me now. Even without an alarm clock, I just wake up. Today, it was 6:30am. I really like it though. You can get so much more accomplished.
My fellas just left for golf. Steve and Chandler have had a birthday tradition since Cha was 8 years old. They always play golf on the day of Chandler's birthday. His actual birthday is Monday, the 26th but Sis. Kim planned a hiking band service for the young people on her band for Monday morning. She asked Steve to go and help out and take care of the devotion. Then, that afternoon, we are having a family cook out to celebrate Chandler turning 16. So, there was no time for golf on Monday, therefore, they went today. Rick also went and Tim, our brother in law.
This is the second day in a row that I haven't seen my little social butterfly. That would be Miss Morgan. She has been at Katie's since Thursday. I guess those girls are making up for lost time since the Mayberry's have been on vacation for 2 weeks. I guess I will have to kidnap my own child just to get her back. Ha! Morgan is a goer. If that is a word. She loves "fellowship".
I'm gonna hit Perry's soccer game this morning at 10:30. Because of my own kids having busy soccer schedules, I haven't been able to catch any others so I thought today I would try to make my rounds. Abby plays at 1:30. I should be able to see about half of her game cause Morgan plays at 2:00.
Tonight we have a band service at the Mayberry house. We've decided to let Little Ceasers do the catering. Can't beat those $5 pizzas. I've asked each one that will be there to be prepared to share one of their favorite scriptures and tell why. And of course, we will have a good season of prayer. Nothing better than that, huh? After that, we will play games. Yah!
Last night Steve and I sat and started putting all of our old home school books on ebay. Man, I knew I had a lot but shew, I mean, I have ALOT. I hope to get rid of them all. That would be great. We only got 2 sets put on before I started getting really tired. It wasn't that late, only about 10:00 but I guess when you get up with the chickens, you get tired at night quicker. ha! We have about 11 more sets to put on. Maybe this weekend?!
have a great Saturday
blessing - yesterday when I took Bradley to therapy, his physical therapist told me that he had the best transfer that he had ever had. A transfer is when he goes from his wheel chair to the mat. Thank the Lord! Yes, it may be slow, but better slow than not at all, right?
Posted by Tam at 5:02 AM 2 comments
Thursday, May 22, 2008
your kidding me
Let me start by saying something regarding my last post. The one about my UNCLE BEING HEALED. Not one comment?! What? Something so awesome and not even 1 comment.....your kidding me?! I know blog land has been kinda dead lately, well, really dead as far as comments, but come on people, that one should have had at least one "Praise the Lord", right?
O.K. I'm finished with that tanget.....ha!
On with today, Thursday. I'm having lunch with Crystal and then I am going to take her to visit Bradley. She told him Sunday at church she would come and visit him so today is the day.
The Mayberry's are back home from their vacation. I guess I won't be walking Lucky dog anymore.
I just let the dog out to potty and realized something else I could share. This post is rather scattered, I know, but oh well.
Yesterday I decided to rearrange the furniture in my family room. I like doing that. I like change when it comes to my house. I like moving things around for a different look and such. So, yesterday, I did just that. It looks totally different now. I use to have one of my couches out kinda in the middle of the floor but decided to move it back against the wall. After I got everything in it 's place, I realized there was this one little wall that needed something. A small table would do nice. I headed to Big Lots to see what I could see and sure enough, it was there. It was on clearance, making it that much more appealing. We purchased it, Steve put it together for me and wa-la....it has a home. It's red. Yep, red! I have a red couch as well. My house is done in dark, rich colors. That's my taste. The walls in that room are chocolate brown. Damon painted it for me. Actually, Damon painted most my entire house. I don't think I will ever want to change colors now!!! Shew, we sure do miss you, Damon!
I guess that's all for now!
blessing - my kids
Posted by Tam at 6:17 AM 4 comments
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Praise Report
I can't believe I haven't shared this already. I'm getting old!
Anyway, Rick, that would be my Uncle Rick, my mom's brother for those who may not know who I'm talking about. Well, his arm had been bothering him so he went to the Dr. to get it checked out. They did an ultrasound on the area and in the process found what they called a mass/spot. O.K. you know what that could mean and immediately and certainly unfortunately your mind thinks the worse. Oh, I hate that! Anyway, they wanted him to have a MRI to look closer.
Two Wednesday night's ago, Rick got anointed and prayed for during service for this test, the MRI. Last Friday, he went to have it done. The tech person looked the first time and said to Rick, "where exactly is the spot suppose to be?". He looked again and found nothing. 3 times he looked and saw nothing. Hmmmm, strange, or is it?
Fast forward to this Tuesday, yesterday. Rick was scheduled to go back and see his Dr. to get the "official" report. His Dr. told him, "Yes, there was something there before, but IT'S GONE NOW".
blessing - duh?! whatcha think after this post? Ha!
Posted by Tam at 5:12 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
This is the word I chose to use to describe my pedicure today. Everyone told me I would love it and they did not lie. I should have taken pictures of Les and me all kicked back with our feet soaking in the bubbly water. And those massages....oh my....talk about being pampered. I certainly am a fan. I will for sure go again. It was great.
From there, Les and I headed to the Goodwill store to check things out. Man, I racked up! I got 4 skirts and a shirt for $20.25. And the skirts, are as cute as you would find anywhere. From now on, that's the place I will shop for my skirts. Where else can you find them for $3.99? And, so cute at that!
From there, (notice I keep beginning each paragraph with "from there") I came home to get Chandler for a haircut. Les wanted to get hers cut and she wanted me to go with her. It's funny how we "need" each other for such things. Ha! I wanted to bring Chandler with me cause he really, really needed a haircut. By the time I got to Amy's (hair cut girl) she was already blow drying Les' hair. She got about 2 inches off, I think, and thinned out a bit. That girl has some hair. I do think it's the thickest I have EVER seen. Yes, I'm jealous.
I love Les, she's my sista! Really and truly we are like sisters in every way. I don't just mean good friend sisters, I mean like blood sisters. We are as close as you can be without the actual blood. I love, love, love her!!!!
Chandler's hair looks really nice. I dropped him off at the golf course to meet Steve, Josh and Jordan.
From there (there's that "from there" again) I went to Kroger. This time I got 2 containers of the Vanilla Caramel creamer. When I got it last week, it was gone in about 2 days. Not only do I love it but so does my daughter. I went to pour myself coffee one afternoon, went to the fridge to get my creamer and it was gone. I said, "well, who finished off the creamer?" Morgan was standing close by and said "Huh???" Very guilty, I might add. So, today I got 2.
Tonight is spaghetti. And the final episode of American Idol. The 2 David's go head to head. You wanna know who I think is gonna win? David!!!!! HA! Seriously, I'm not sure. I want cute little David Archuletta to win. David Cook is gonna make it big no matter what. Who do you think will win?
blessing - hanging out with my sista today and getting my very first pedicure with her!
Posted by Tam at 2:05 PM 2 comments
Monday, May 19, 2008
Dirty and tired
Monday mornings are pretty much the same. After getting up and starting my day, which means... having my coffee, peanut butter toast and devotion I head to the shop to clean. I've gotten it down now and it takes me about 2 hours to do what I do.
After that I had to walk Lucky, you know that dog that I'm taking care of while Lynn is on vacation. We went for our mile walk and then I went and ran 3. From there, I hit Lowes. I wanted more purty flowers. They had some really pretty baskets on sale for $5 each.
I had planned to stop by Kroger for a few things but wanted to get home to play in my flowers. After planting, I decided to trim some bushes. They look very nice now. This is why I'm "dirty and tired"....
Steve washed my car today. It is spic and span. Looks like new. Thanks, Honey!
Tomorrow, Les and I are finally getting those pedicures. I'm excited. Our appointment is at 10:00am. Yah for smooth, pretty feet....well, if feet can be pretty, right Erika???!! Ha!
Oh, backing up a day or actually two days. My momma's dog got hurt really, really bad. She likes to dart out the front door when she can and when she does, it's next to impossible to get her back. You have to get in the car to catch up with her. Anyway, it happened, she got out and someone hurt her. My dad thinks she was kicked really hard. So hard that it broke 4 of her ribs. Isn't that terrible? Who could do such a thing? It was awful. But, she is gonna be O.K. It's just gonna take some time for her to heal. They took her to the vet, of course. Momma said that tears were coming out of her eyes and they had blood in them. Doesn't that mean internal bleeding? Poor baby. My mom & dad have really gotten attached to her. She was given to my parents by Kasey and Damon. They found her and my mom took her as her own. She is special.
Hmmmm, I hear Morgan and Autumn coming in so I better go for now.
blessing - Lady (momma's dog) being O.K.
Posted by Tam at 4:23 PM 1 comments
Sunday, May 18, 2008
I just ate
and ENTIRE sleeve of ritz crackers. Ya ever done that before???
Sunday....a good day it has been. I'm tired though. Church this morning was good. Bro Shaw preached a really good message on "following directions". It blessed me. He preached because daddy and momma were in Portland doing a District Overseer visit. But, they were back tonight.
After service this morning, we hit Captain D 's. Les had coupons...woo hoo...cheap! Steve, Cha and Rick hit the golf course while Morgan and me just hung around the house. She was bored so she did go to the back yard and play around with her soccer ball. See, to me, doing nothing sometimes is great. But to a 13 year old that's " boring".
Tonight 's service was so uplifting. Sis. Beverly carries a very heavy load caring for her family. She was sharing tonight how she really needed a special touch from the Lord. She was just so tired and worn down from being the only caregiver in her home. Well, the Lord did not disappoint, does He ever?! NO! She received that breathe of fresh air from the Lord and left church with that "pep" back in her step. Thank the Lord! Please continue to keep Sis Beverly Lowery in your prayers.
****This next part is just for you Crystal****
The youth decided to go to the park to play basketball after church. LOL!
Chandler talked Steve into going to play with them. I hope my 41 year old husband doesn't get hurt with all those teenagers. Chandler has gotten to be so competitive with his dad. I guess it's his age. He'll be 16 next week and he thinks he can " take dad" these days. You should see them around here. It has become a daily thing for them to wrestle. I guess it 's a guy thing but they get each other in head locks and twist themselves into all kind of weird positions and continually argue over "who GOT who".
I say it 's a guy thing because can you imagine Morgan and me putting each other in head locks and such. We would rather go shopping together. Ha!
Have a good week.
blessing - tonight's service!
Posted by Tam at 7:04 PM 2 comments
Can we say.....
WooHoo....Praise the Lord!
I told Steve, I wish they would do this every year.....yeah right!
But, for this year......Thank you, Jesus!!!!
Posted by Tam at 1:02 PM 0 comments
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Today should be lovely
Autumn got into town last night. She's actually NOT staying with us this time....very weird. She came for Andrea's graduation so therefore, she's staying with the Yohe's. I don't really like it, but if I have to share, I guess I will share with the Yohe family. lol.
Josh brought her over last night after picking her up from the airport. I'm telling you, she can brighten up a room just by walking in. It's NEVER boring or QUIET when Autumn is around, and I wouldn't have it any other way. She has that drawing personality. I'm thankful the Lord brought us together. It's been a great blessing to have her in our lives.
This morning, Andrea and Micah are graduating from high school. Wow, I remember when Laura brought Andrea home from the hospital and Steve and I went to their apartment to visit. Shew, times flies. I cannot believe these kids are becoming adults. Man!!
Morgan has a soccer game at 2:00. And tonight, I don't know what is going on. Don't have plans as of right now. If we don't do anything, Steve and I may start putting the books on ebay. We have decided to sell our used home school books. I have tons of them, good ones. What I usually do is save them for Morgan when Chandler has finished. After Morgan has completed them, I don't need them anymore. I probably have several hundred dollars worth of books. So, we need to get pictures taken and get them put on so they will hopefully sell.
I need to have my devotion and get ready for graduation. Have a great day.
blessing - Autumn being here.
Posted by Tam at 5:29 AM 1 comments
Friday, May 16, 2008
And even more
Last night about 9ish, my front door bell rang. It was LaDonna, Chelsei, Lindsei, and Jacob. LaDonna was carrying a really pretty plant. IT WAS FOR ME.....for my birthday. They even sang to me. I can't tell you how many times I was sang to yesterday and I loved each and every one of them. Some even sent text messages singing Happy Birthday to me.
The plant is for outside in my flower bed somewhere. And, it comes back ever year so each time I look at it, I can think of the many years of friendship that LaDonna and I share. Thank you so much, it really meant alot to me.
Today, I was checking my messages on my home phone from yesterday and discovered 3 more "happy birthday" messages. So, even the day after, I got to enjoy the blessing.
I'm taking Brad to therapy in just a few.
I think we may be going out to eat tonight. Maybe Chinese food. Chandler has a new friend, a female friend, Shelby. She's about to come over and hang out and will be going with us out to dinner tonight. Very sweet girl.
Hmmmm, I guess that's all for now. See ya!
blessing - Autumn comes tonight!!!!!
Posted by Tam at 11:01 AM 0 comments
Thursday, May 15, 2008
The day is not over but
I'll share thus far. Today is my 40th birthday. WooHoo!!!! YAY Me!!! So far, I'm having the BEST day.
Most of you know that I am big about nutrition and exercise. Basically, I'm a health nut. Well, today, I wanted to splurge. I wanted Momma's Pancake Breakfast from Cracker Barrel, and that's exactly what I got. I couldn't eat like that everyday but for today it was good stuff. I'll share pics down below. That's the first thing I wanted to do. The next thing I wanted was something that I've wanted to do for myself for a while and just have never done. I wanted a pedicure. I wanted to pamper my footsies. Well, I told Les at breakfast my plan and she said, "I want to go with you, wait until tomorrow". (she had to work today). So, tomorrow Les and I are going to get pedicures together. I've never had one and want one so... Happy Birthday to me.
I also wanted to get my hair cut today. I wanted sorta a new style so Morgan and I went to Walmart to look through some hair books and sure enough I found one. Morgan took a picture of it for me with her phone to take to Amy, the girl that does my hair. I love it, alot! Again, a pic will be below. After Amy did my hair, I went to my purse to get the money to pay her and she said "don't pay me...Happy Birthday". YAH!!!!! a great hair cut for FREE. Wasn't that sweet? I just love my birthday!!!
The day is not over. Tonight we are going to hear Andrea play with the Nashville Symphony. How cool is that? Those Yohe youngans are just so talented. Is that a super great way to end my 40th birthday or what?
I'm having such a awesome day. I thank the Lord that I'm 40. Really and truly, I'm not joking....I feel very blessed to have reached this point in my life and pray that this year I grow closer to the Lord than ever before.
Thank you guys who have called, texted, and blogged me a Happy Birthday. I really appreciate it and feel VERY loved.
Enjoy the pics
blessing - turning 40
Morgan and me acting goofy demonstrating the big 4-0

the style i'm shooting for is shorter in the back and longer on top. The top still has some growing to do.






Momma's pancake breakfast...yum yum!

Momma's pancake breakfast...the end

Posted by Tam at 1:51 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Vanilla Caramel
This has become one of my favorite new coffee creamers. I discovered it at Kroger yesterday and yum...yum! Although, I don't like to do flavored creamer in the mornings when I first get up. Just plain ole plain creamer with one splenda is my choice. But through out the day when I have coffee I like the flavors. Have you had this one, Em?
Let's see...yesterday...I cleaned Tommy's shop, then went to the grocery store (where I got the new creamer)hmmmm, can't really remember after that. I balanced the checkbook last night and wrote bills. YUCK! Dinner consisted of chicken and rice casserole, salad, rolls and brownies for desert. That's about it for Monday.
Oh yeah, I just remembered...I was outside on the deck yesterday. I was out there enjoying the beautiful sunshine sipping on some coffee (my name is Tammy and I'm a coffee addict) LOL! Anyway, I picked up my cup and took a drink and felt something in my mouth. You know that coffee is not suppose to have chunks, right? Immediately I thought that a fly had gotten in my cup so I quickly spit it out and realized it was not a fly, it was a SPIDER. Yes, alive! Ewwwwwww, Grrrrooooosssss!!!!!!!!
Today....exercise this morning. Took Morgan to Andrea's to watch a movie. I went to the driver's license place to renew mine. My birthday is Thursday and they expire. So, I had to go do the whole picture thing. It didn't turn out to bad to be a drivers license picture, I guess.
Morgan and Steve have gone to soccer practice. Chandler and several of the youth have gone to the park to play soccer and here I sit, blogging.
When Steve gets back, he's gonna grill hamburgers for us. I love grilled hamburgers this time of year.
Oh yeah, I just remembered something else I have forgotten to tell. Well, not really forgotten, just haven't until now. Lynn has a pet sitting business. She takes care of peoples pets when they can't, when they are at work or on vacation. Lynn and her family are on vacation for 2 weeks right now and she asked if I would take care of one of her clients while she is gone. I said "yes". Everyday I have to walk Lucky Dog around the park, so he can do his business. He will not poop in his own yard. Isn't that crazy? He's so use to his daily walk that he knows exactly what to do. After you hook the leash onto his colar, you then put it in his mouth and he runs to the back fence to begin his walk. Same thing everyday. It's not bad at all...an easy $150.00. Cool, huh?
I hope I haven't posted so much that you stopped reading half way through, but then again, if your reading this right now, you didn't. ha!
blessing - friends that call when they see a possible job opportunity for Steve.
Posted by Tam at 3:33 PM 4 comments
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Soccer....soccer....and MORE soccer
This was our day yesterday, Saturday. It was fun though. It started with Morgan's game beginning at noon. Our plan was to leave at half time because Chandler's game WAS SUPPOSE to be starting at 2:00. Well, at half time of her game the score was tied so Tommy, my brother, who is Morgans coach really didn't want her to leave. She is one of the top scorers and best on the team. She really didn't want to leave either. Her words to me were, "Momma, I really want to be able to score in every game." So, we didn't leave, we stayed. And yes, we ended up winning the game and yes, Morgan did score. So, all was well.
Chandler had called some where in there to inform me that his game was going to be starting early. Probably around 1 or 1:30. As soon as Morgan's game was over, we headed, quickly to White House. When we got there, Cha's team was already in the second half with no score. You could tell it was a very intense game. Right, Sis Shaw? Anyway, at the end of the game, still there was no score. This meant that we went into P.K.'s. For those of you who don't know what that is, I will explain. 5 players from each team have a chance to shoot straight at the goal, with only the goal keeper in the box to try and stop it. Our guys got all 5 goals. Chandler was one of those guys....Go Cha! Their team missed one of their goals. WE WON THE FIRST GAME. Go Royals!
Our next game didn't start until 8:00pm. This would be the championship game. OH, the pressure!!!!! Since we did have several hours to kill, the team opted to go to Subway for lunch. After lunch, the majority of us went back to the soccer field to just hang out and watch the other teams play.
8:00pm...it's time! This game was so stressful. I'm not kidding, I got a headache during it. It was so close and so aggressive and so NOT FAIR. I'm not too observant BUT, even I could tell that the referee wasn't calling the plays fair. It was so clear that he was for the other team. Just NOT right!!!! Anyway, we did end up losing by 1 goal. It should not have been this way. If our guys had been treated fairly, it would have at least been, well, maybe we would have won it. Anyway, we came in 2nd in the tournament. It was kinda sad for it to all be over.
It has been a very busy season, but, it's been alot of fun. These are a great group of kids. They have good attitudes. I'm proud of them and thankful Chandler can play with a Christian team. Until next year......Go Royals!!!!!!
blessing - Mother's Day!
Posted by Tam at 5:35 AM 5 comments
Friday, May 9, 2008
Something I ate
DID NOT agree with my stomach. Tonight we ate Mexican food. We went to this new restaurant, well, new to me. It was good. I got Chicken Nachos but by the time I got to the parking lot to leave, my stomach was killing me. It was Steve, myself, Les, Rick, Momma and Emily.
Les bought me the cutest pair of flip flops for my birthday. I will be turning the big 4 0 next Thursday, but she went ahead and gave me my gift tonight. I picked them out with her help. They are too cute. Thanks, Les!
I got some really cute skirts today at the Goodwill. They were $3.99 each. How bout that? One of them is a Liz Clairborne. You girls know that her stuff is pretty pricey but not at the Goodwill. Go me!
Tomorrow will be spent at the soccer fields. Literally! Morgan's game is at 12:00 and then we head straight to Chandler's first game at 2:00. It will be fun though.
good night folks
blessing - my stomach has eased up some.
Posted by Tam at 7:56 PM 0 comments
Real Quick
Don't have much time. Gotta jump in the shower and head out.
I have to go register Chandler for his tutorial classes for next year. I've decided not to put Morgan in any. When she gets to high school, I'll sign her up for some, but for now, she can do everything at home. Chandler will be taking Chemistry, British Lit., and Grammar & Composition. I, for sure, can't help him all that much with writing papers and such. Thank goodness for tutorial and people that can.
He'll be doing Advanced Math, Government & Economics and Bible from home. I CAN NOT believe I will have a Junior next year. WHERE has the time gone?
I take Bradley to therapy today. It's Friday, so thats usually what I do. I hope he has really good sessions. Pray that, please!
Originally, Chandler's soccer tournament was starting for us last night, Thursday. But, that got canceled. The team we were suppose to play forfeited. Well, then tonight, Friday...for some reason, it got moved also. So, now, we play 2 games on Saturday. After that, it's over until next season. Hopefully, we will take the championship, that would be cool. If we win the game at 2:00, then we play at 6:00. If we lose the first one, we play at 8:00. We'll see.
I gotta go, times a ticken.
blessing - my family.....I say that alot, I know, but it's true.
Posted by Tam at 5:20 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
For fun
Kasey sent this to me through email. I thought it might be fun, so here goes.
One word answers
Not as easy as you might think. Now copy or forward, change the answers to suit you and pass it on. It's really hard to only use one word answers.
1. Where is your cell phone?....... purse
2. Your significant other? .......... Steve
3. Your hair? ............................ brown
4. Your mother?.......................... friend
5. Your father? ............................ good
6. Your favorite thing? .................. cleanliness
7. Your dream last night?.............nothing
8. Your favorite drink?................... coffee
9. Your dream/goal?.................... heaven
10. The room you're in?................. school
11. Your hobby?........................... exercising
12. Your fear?............................... death
13. Where do you want to be in 6 years?.... heaven
14. Where were you last night?...... home
15. What you're not?...................... patient
16. Muffins?................................... banana
17. One of your wish list items?....... job
18. Where you grew up?................ Antioch
19. The last thing you did?............... ate
20. What are you wearing?..............clothes
21. Your TV? ................................ off
22. Your pets?................................ spoiled
23. Your computer..................... black
24. Your life?................................blessed
25. Your mood?..............................happy
26. Missing someone?...................Bradley
27. Your car?................................. Camry
28. Something you're not wearing?.... shoes
29. Favorite store?........................... Target
30. Your summer?......................... Minnesota
31. Like someone?........................yep
32. Your favorite color...................... brown
33, When is the last time you laughed? ..............today
34. Last time you cried?..................... yesterday
35. Who will resend this? ..................... Morgan
It's kinda fun, yall try it.
Posted by Tam at 9:00 AM 4 comments
Monday, May 5, 2008
Great Surprise!!!!
Monday mornings are gonna be the day that I clean Tommy's shop. So, I got up this morning and headed straight there, well, after going to Lowes to purchase a new mop. The old one was G-R-O-S-S! Anyway, it took me about 2 1/2 hours to get the job done.
I went from there back to Lowes to get some flowers. I've been wanting to do that and so today I did.
When I got home, I walked into the house and remember I said I went straight to Tommy's shop (after breakfast and my morning devotion). I didn't do anything in my house before I left. I didn't even make my bed. When I walked in, I noticed that the kitchen was clean. Not even one dish in the sink. I said to myself, out loud, "well, who cleaned?" As I headed through the living room I quickly noticed that my bed was made. "O.K. who's been cleaning?" I went straight upstairs to Morgans room and asked her who had cleaned, I knew she would know.
She said, "I did it. I knew you had to clean the shop and I wanted to clean the house for you". HOW SWEET IS THAT!!!!!!! Of course, I made a super big deal out of it, because it was a super big deal. I think I kissed her 2 or 3 times. That was my Great Surprise (my title).
On a much sadder note....
Tonight was Chandler's last soccer game (that's not the sad part). About 20 minutes into the game, a young man from the other team got kicked in the head, really hard and got basically knocked out. It was awful, it happened so fast. He got hit so hard that he had a seizer right there on the soccer field. Oh, it was so scary. Someone called 911 and the ambulance came for him. It was bad. I was praying for him. Because of this accident, the rest of the game got canceled. I really hope he's going to be O.K. I don't even know his name but please say a prayer for him.
Before the accident, Chandler made a beautiful goal. Man, it was perfect. Someone passed to him and BAM (in best Morgan voice), it went straight into the goal. I was so excited that I jumped right out of my seat and yelled for him.
Mom and Dad came but didn't get to see Chandler's goal. They were a little late and got there after the accident, so they didn't get to see any of the game. But, Daddy wanted to take us out to dinner. A group of us went to Chili's. I had the best salad. The chicken in it was a little spicy. Just enough to be really good.
Well, that's about it for today. I need to get the kids down here for family devotion.
good night
blessing - dinner tonight with my dad & mom
Posted by Tam at 7:40 PM 0 comments
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Peaceful Sunday
Right after church this morning, we headed to Portland to visit with my grandparents. We pulled up and my Pa met us outside. We had lunch together and as we were sitting at the table, I realized how peaceful and quiet it was. I commented on it to them. Being out in the country like that was so nice. It was a beautiful day. We had such a good visit with them.
My Pa breeds and raises dogs so there is always new puppies to see. This is right up Morgan's alley. I think if I said "yes", she would come home with a new puppy every time we visit. She's gonna spend a couple of days up there this summer. She will love helping Pa take care of his animals. How cool is it that I grew up on that farm and now my daughter will spend time there. When we walked into the barn today to see the puppies, I told Chandler and Morgan that I had alot of memories playing in that barn. Really cool!
It meant alot to them for us to be there. We went to church with my granny tonight. Actually, it was a youth talent fund raiser. They had it outside with hot dogs and such. Morgan sang. Alot of the youth sang. It was nice being there.
I thanked my kids on the way home for coming with me today. Morgan is my social butterfly and is willing to go anywhere...anytime but Chandler is almost 16 and spending his entire Sunday with "old folks" (myself included..ha!) could have been alot for him to complain about. But not one time did he do that. He just went with the flow and did whatever we did. What great kids! It was a very, very nice Sunday.
blessing - a great Sunday with family!
Posted by Tam at 7:43 PM 0 comments
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Time for some visiting
Today I get to see some friends from way back in the day. Little Sara Noel has grown up and is graduating from college. Steve and I were invited to her graduation party. I'm glad. We've struck up a new found friendship via the internet and I'm very thankful for this. Should be fun!
Also, I'm gonna go visit my grandparents tomorrow after church. My dad's parents. My Pa (my dad's dad) has "spells" every now and then. I don't think his health is the best so I feel like I need to go spend some time with him. I'm sure this will make their day. It's one of those "just because" visits. You know, it's not Christmas or a special occasion, it's just because. All 4 of us are gonna go. Steve, the kids and me. I need to call my Granny to let her know. I know she's gonna wanna fix us something to eat. You know how grandmothers do that. I have the best grandparents. When I was little, I stayed with my Granny alot. I spent alot of time on that farm. Lots of memories. I need to go visit them......just because.
Backing up, last night....we did nothing. It was nice though. Morgan went and hung out with the youth (as usual). Josh stayed the night with Chandler. Actually, they are still sleeping. I don't have a clue what time they went to bed. And, Steve and I just hung out here at the house.
Morgan has a soccer game at 1:00. Steve and I have to leave at half time to get to Sara's party. We're heading to Shelbyville.
That's about it for now.
blessing - KNOWING God is in control!!
Posted by Tam at 7:23 AM 1 comments
Friday, May 2, 2008
Last night
In our family devotion last night, Chandler's "thankful for the day" was that we were finished with math for this year. Yep, we finished his Algebra II book yesterday. YAH!!!!! And he was very serious, he's very thankful to be done. He does NOT like math, at all. I have to admit, I'm glad too. The kids are at their last day of tutorial right now. Basically, we are done with this year. Cha has to finish his History book in order to get this years credit but other than that....goodbye 10th and 7th grade. Thank you Lord for another year behind us.
I can't believe we have home schooled for 10 years now. It has flown by. Where are those days where we sounded out letters and counted to 100?! O.K., I have to stop right here or I will end up crying my eyes out. Some people can't wait to have their children grow up and move out. NOT ME!!!!!!!! I know it's life but my kids growing up is sad to me. ***sigh***
Moving on before I completely depress myself.
I take Bradley to therapy today. I wish with all my heart this would be the day God says.....NOW!!! Oh man, what a day of rejoicing that would be. Until that day happens, I want to be faithful to seek Him diligently. It could be today....with God NOTHING is impossible.
I need to clean my bathrooms now.
*blessing - another school year behind us with the help of the Lord.
Posted by Tam at 8:39 AM 2 comments