Saturday, March 15, 2008

Telling off on myself

Last month, on Valentine's Day as a matter of fact, I got a speeding ticket. In defense of myself...hehe.....I was going through a school zone, not when the school kids were present, they were already in school but on this certain road between 8am and 9am the speed limit is 20. I wasn't paying attention to that and he got me. Man, don't you hate that feeling? As soon as you see him (him, being the policeman) you get that sick feeling and say to yourself or even out loud "Aw Man"! Anyway, he gave me a ticket, which I guess I did deserve but it would have been nice for him to tell me "mam, you need to slow down" but instead he wrote me a ticket.

He said "if you will show up to traffic court on March 15 at 7:00am, this will not go on your record".

Today is March 15, right? So, Steve and I get up way to early. My alarm was set for 5:50...yes A.M. We hurry out the door and get there to a building with no lights on and not a person in sight. As we drove up to the place, the front door said 8:00-4:00. Now, wait a minute. My ticket said to be there at 7:00am. Steve told me to call the number on the ticket and find out what was going on. I called the number to get an automated voice that says, normal business hours are Mon-Fri/8-4. What? Today is Saturday and my ticket clearly says March, 15 at 7:00am.......or does it? On the automated voice thingy, they give another number to call. So, I did. I explained my situation to an actual person and she tells me that they sometimes do have Saturday traffic court. She asks me to hold on one minute............when she comes back she says that it's 9:00am. (not 7:00am)

Steve and I look again, and again, and again...could it say 9:00? I was sure that it was a 7:00. Possibly,'s up for question?

Anyway, what are we to do for 2 hours? Well, I'm back home posting about it so that should tell you what we did? My, my, my.......

So, in about 30 minutes we will head back to traffic school. Fun, fun, fun.....

blessing - We went out to eat with Bradley last night and he CONSISTANTLEY drank from the straw. This is major progress....Thank the Lord!!!!!


Vic said...

Man don't you just hate that...You could have slept in a little

Good news for Brad...The simple things in life we take for granted are such milestones for Brad...