Friday, March 7, 2008

Any suggestions?

I've been having issues lately with ulcers in my mouth. Remember last week, I had one on my tongue? Well, it's better...but this week I have one on my throat/tonsil. It's the size of my pinky fingernail.....seriously....HUGE and soooooooo painful.

What causes them? Is it a virus? And what can I do for the pain?

Any suggestions? I'm miserable!!!


Vicki Smith said...

Here's a few suggestions: 1) avoid using toothpaste or mouthwash containing Sodium Lauryl Sulphate. 2)You can rinse your mouth or gargle with warm salt water. The salt has both healing and purifying properties. When I try to gargle I just become a gagger, so rinsing is my best option. 3)Brush your teeth with baking soda or apply baking soda directly to the sore. 4) avoid sugar until the ulcer is healed. Sugar feeds infections and sores like that, and the last thing you want is a healthy ulcer!
Hope some of these suggestions will help, and SOON! Meanwhile, I'm still cracking up over your previous post where you claim you intend to have your "fireplace blazing in [your] PJ's." HA! Am I the only one who read that line and envisioned your PJ's containing a blazing fireplace? LOL.

Tam said...

O.K. Sis Smith....let me re-phrase this for you...." I will be wearing my P.J.'s as I sit in front of my fireplace that will be blazing"

better? HA! LOL!!

It was pretty funny, wasn't it? HA!

Rachel said...

The salt water thing that Sis. Smith suggested DEFINITELY helps! I had trouble with sores a lot when I was a youngster(ha!) and salt water gets rid of them pretty quickly. They are a virus, kind of like warts (I know you just loved hearing that!) so I don't think you can avoid getting them in the first place, but the salt should help get rid of them.