Thursday, March 20, 2008

I'm hungry

I'm waiting on the chicken to bake. I put Ms. Dash, garlic powder, salt & pepper and crushed red pepper on it. When it's done, I'm gonna chop it up so we can make chicken and cheese quesadilla's. Mmmmmm....mmmmm... good! Oh yeah, and I've got green chilli's to put on them also.

Last night at church we had a "round table" discussion. It was VLB night and our youth activity leaders did this once before. It was a hit and so they decided to do it again. Any of the youth, or any one for that matter, can write down a question to be answered by a panel. The panel consist of wisdom filled ministers. Last night the panel was my dad, Bro. Hall and Sis. Peggy. Anyone can write down a question that they might have about the Bible or The Church. It really is cool. It opens up for a lot of discussion which is really good for our young people. They need to be able to give an answer for the hope that lies within them. They need to know why they believe what they believe. Of course, this comes from divine revelation but these discussions help to clarify things for them. I really enjoyed it.

Today has been a nice day. I went for the first time in a while to clean my mom's house. Shew......did it need it (sorry, momma...ha!) In her defense, the weekend is really the only time she has to clean and last weekend was a complete blur for her. We had the mission yard sale and then she had to prepare for a wedding that she was asked to help direct. She was home long enough the entire weekend to sleep. So, it's understandable that you couldn't walk through her house....just kidding..HA! wasn't that bad. But now, she can come home to a nice clean house and relax, hopefully. love ya momma!

Man that chicken that's cooking right now smells soooooo good. I think my mouth is actually watering.

***blessing - a good week! Life and serving the Lord is not about "feelings", it's about faith. BUT....when we "feel" good, it's really great!!!

C ya!


Karen said...

I want some of that chicken!