Saturday, March 1, 2008

Great Day....except...

I have a really bad ulcer/fever blister thingy on my tongue and it hurts, man, it hurts. It hurts to talk. It hurts to eat. It just hurts. I'm sorta prone to getting ulcers in my mouth but this is the first one is ages. I've rinsed with warm salt water and with mouthwash. This is the 3rd day for it to be really bad so hopefully tomorrow will be better. Shew!

Other than a painful mouth, today has been a great day. It goes as follows: I got up around, um, I think it was like 8:15am or so. I had my coffee and peanut butter toast, which is my morning menu, every morning. Sometimes, I might throw in some maple and brown sugar oatmeal but just sometimes. Speaking of oatmeal, some of you may remember, back 6 months or so ago that I asked for prayer about Steve's cholesterol. How when he went for a physical, it was up some what (not horrible, just up). Well, given his family history, especially his dad, having his first heart attack at age 42 (Steve is 41) we really need to keep an eye on it. The Dr. wanted him to go on medicine for it, and although we are in no way against that, we wanted to see if we could get it lowered by using vitamins and herbs first and by eating oatmeal each day. So, that's what he's done for the past 6 months. He went back this past Thursday for a re-check. They took his blood again and we are waiting for the results. Please help us pray for lower numbers. Prayer and doing our part, we are expecting his numbers to be lower. I'll keep you guys posted.

I went through Chick fil A for lunch today. I just love their chicken sandwich, it's my favorite. Steve and Cha played golf. How could they not with the beautiful weather.

I went and hung out with Bradley for about an hour today. Man, I wish that boy would get up from there. April the 2nd, one month from tomorrow it will be 2 years since the day of his accident. Can you believe that? 2 years! Although he has made great progress, if you would have asked me one year ago, if I thought we would be here, at this stage, now, a year later, my answer would have been no. One year ago, I really thought he would be whole by now but I feel like it's that way of thinking (expecting it today thinking )for my family that keeps us going. Trusting in the Lord. Waiting on the Lord is our Hope. I guess what I'm trying to say is I thought it would be over by now. That he would be "Bradley" again by now. But, for some reason, that only God knows, we are still on this journey. Really though, knowing God knows and He is in control, the outcome is gonna be even better than we imagine. I just wish it would hurry! What is that saying...."good things come to those who wait"....well, then, this will certainly be GREAT!!

Momma, Deb, Morgan, Tristan and I went shopping today. We went to Home Goods/TJ Maxx. It's a great store. Then, just because Christopher and Banks was in the area, I ran in really quickly to see what I could see. And wouldn't you know it...I found a denim skirt on sale for $9.97. It was originally $35.50 You cannot have too many denim skirts.

So now, my husband just asked if I wanted to go to Walmart with him.....WHAT? Did I hear correctly?????????? He wants to get some kind of fertilizer for the yard. I need to find a bed skirt for Morgan's bed anyway. Her comforter didn't come with one.

Guess what? Chandler's girlfriend, Rachel, is coming to church with us tomorrow. How cool is that?! I think he's really excited.

Well, I'm off for now....
love to all....


Kasey said...

That was sweet he wanted you to go with him. Damon would go with me to walmart.