Monday, February 25, 2008

Wrong side of the bed or something

Have you ever woke up grouchy? Don't you even say no.....cause I know that ain't true. HA! Well, I did this morning. I think I'm gonna chalk it up to being stir crazy. I laid on the couch literally the entire day yesterday. Well, I got up for a few things, but mostly....couch potato. I must have needed the rest. Anyway, I've GOT to get out of this house today. I've even quoted the scripture to myself.."This is the day that the Lord hath made, I will rejoice and be GLAD in it".....not grouchy it it, right? HA!
I expect it to get better as the day continues. Prayer will take care of it!!

I think we are taking today off school. Steve is not working and he and Chandler are at the golf course right now. It's 11:16 and Morgan just came down the steps..."Good Morning, Sleeping Beauty". Remember, she did have a very social weekend and she needed her beauty rest. By the time the guys get back from golf, it will be time to head to soccer practice so, I guess we can just double up on school tomorrow.

Due to illness, I still have not gotten Morgan's room painted. Oh well......

I'm off for now...things to do around here...

**Blessing - The relationship that Steve and Chandler have together. They enjoy each others company.


Brandon Shaw said...

Funny.. I slept till 11:15ish too.. O:-)