Saturday, February 23, 2008


Let me start by saying that Chandler and Morgan had a lock-in at the church last with with the VLB and Gleaners. Chandler came home around 12:30, I think, cause he's having company today (a friend who happens to be a girl....(i'll stop there, read between the lines)) and he didn't need to be tired. Anyway, Ms. Morgan, my little social bug stayed all night then had plans to go home with Brennan and stay the night with her tonight. I guess I'll get my child back after church tomorrow. HA!

Anyway, I suppose Morgan had a brain freeze or something cause my phone rang this morning before I was awake to Morgan with a VERY chipper voice asking "Momma, how much did I weigh the last time I went to the doctor?" You can imagine, I'm sure, my response, being only half awake, and remembering I haven't felt good the past 2 days.."What?" "Are you asleep, mom", uhhhhhhhhh "yeah", never skipping a beat she says "wasn't it 86.4?" "No, Morgan, it was 84.6"....."Thanks mom, bye".

I went back to sleep

My phone ran again, it was that same chipper little voice....I said, "hello"...Morgan said, "Oh momma, you sound bad"...."I'm asleep Morgan"....."Oh sorry" and she proceeds to fill me in on her daily plans.

Am I complaining? Absolutely...NO! Now, I do have to admit that when she woke me up wanting to know her weight, the thought did occur to me....."What?"

I know I talk alot about my family and how much they mean to me but it's because they are my heart beat. I had a blessing the other day about my mother and I'm so very thankful because I see that same closeness between myself and my daughter. Morgan shares everything with me and I wouldn't change a thing.

***Blessing - I don't feel any worse today!


Vicki Smith said...

I have a real blessing in my daughter, Becki. She's my closest girlfriend and my confidant. She gives me wise counsel and she doesn't hold back even when she knows the truth hurts, yet she's kind with her presentation and I don't doubt her love and unfailing loyalty to my best interest. I hope she feels the same about me. How well I remember those times when she was Morgan's age and older when she would be chattering away and I would be thinking, "Oh, I wish I could get busy with my other plans," or "Will she ever shut up?" But first of all, she was a very quiet, non-talkative girl and I was honored she felt free to talk to me about anything and everything and secondly, I knew those days would soon vanish and I didn't want to have ANY regrets about pushing her attention and affection away because I thought I was too busy. I was careful to be patient and listen (sometimes with feigned interest, however) and we've always had a close relationship. I, too, had a really good relationship with my Mom when I was growing up and I told her all the details of my life. Those of us who had that type of relationship with our parents are better able to naturally foster it with our own children because we've been taught by example. And now here I am, enjoying a fun, close relationship with my granddaughters. The grandsons are fun, too, but they're so devoted to Granddaddy there's not as much interest in me. Knowing "the way to a man's heart is through his stomach," I try to cook and bake my way into their hearts. :-)
Why is it your blog makes me want to just write and write and write and bare my soul? How do you do that?

Tam said...

Sis Smith,
I think we must have ALOT in common when it comes to our families and our children. I truly feel it is my FIRST mission field. Yes, I had GREAT examples of parents and still do. Do I feel like I always get it right?.....YEAH RIGHT....NOT!!!!!! But, I truly want to be the best I can and get better. I desire wisdom and God's Word says all I have to do is ask for it, so, I'm asking and asking.

Love you!

Tam said...

Oh, and Sis. Smith, about Becki feeling the same way about you....there's no way she couldn't!! I'm SURE the feeling is mutual!

Vicki Smith said...

My son recently wrote me a letter and this is how he ended it: "Whatever happens, keep singing “Whatever it Takes” and “Give Them All to Jesus”. That’s how I know you best – the Mom who would do anything to please the Lord." I can think of no higher complement in the whole world. I want to live my life until my dying breath, ready and willing to do ANYTHING to please the Lord and I desire to inspire my children to be even more devoted and consecrated to the Lord. "I have no great joy . . . " :-)