Friday, February 8, 2008

Ahhhhhhh....Friday again.....

Can you believe it's Friday again? These weeks literally fly by, don't they? Well, Friday usually means therapy for Brad and me but he doesn't go today. I'm not really sure why but he's not. Momma said something about going out to eat with him tonight though. We sometimes do that on Friday nights but have not gotten to in a while. Mostly the cold weather. So, tonight after we go to the church to pray, maybe we will go eat. We'll see.

The kids are at their tutorial classes right now so the house is good and quiet, except for Dakota chewing on her foot.....AH! that dog! My house needs a really good cleaning. I may do some today but will probably save most of it until tomorrow.

Because of being at the dentist office so long yesterday and the day getting away, we didn't get to Algebra so we will need to make that up over the weekend sometime. We don't really have a busy weekend, I'm glad. The older I get, the less busy I like to be. I guess that comes with age, huh? Speaking of age, I will be 40 in 3 months. WOW! Thank you Lord!

I think Steve is playing golf tomorrow and the kids have planned to get together to play soccer. Lynn and I need to run 6 miles according to our training schedule for th 1/2 marathon. Steve is up to 10 miles, but he is training for the full marathon.

So much for the rambling......


Katie said...

Hey Mrs. Tammy,

I love you tons!!

Tam said...

love you too Katie bug!

Morgan said...

Hey Momma.

Thanks for everything you have done for me.

I love you so very much-and dont know what i would do without you.

Tam said...

your welcome my peanut butter. your my special angel and I love you too!

Tam said...

...and Thank You for all that you've done for me!!!!!