Saturday, September 20, 2008


My day has been very productive.

I woke up with a bit of a headache again. I told Steve I must be doing something in my sleep, like grinding my teeth. I can't think of any other reason for it. Oh wait, it just dawned on me. I wonder if it is alergy related since the weather is changing?! Hmmmm, maybe.

I cleaned my house today. I did some laundry. I ran 2 miles. I worked in the yard. I went over to my mom's house twice to let Lady out. Lady is their dog and my parents are in Georgia and therefore, Lady has to be let out to potty.

After I left my mom's the second time, I went and picked up Perry. She is spending the night with Morgan. Lindsei is also with us. LaDonna took Jacob to see David and so Linds is with us until Monday. I guess these girls will be having a slumber party. Although, they will not be able to stay up late because of church in the morning. Morgan and Lindsei are flat ironing Perry's hair right now. How cute!

Steve's mom, sister and neice are on their way to the house bringing Corky's barbeque. Yum! Denise (Steve's sis) is also brining Morgan's laptop back. It's fixed. Yah!

Speaking of cleaning my house today. I found a new cleaner that is awesome. Actually, it's the smell that is awesome. The lady I clean for on Friday's has me use it and I bought some for my hosue. It's Mr.Clean with Febreeze/Lavendor Vanilla and Comfort. I love the smell!

I hope everyone has wonderful Sunday services.

today's blessing - getting our home computer fixed. Steve needs it for his job searching.


Netty said...

I use that exact same cleaner!LOL!

Stew's Blessing said...

Yeah, Mr. Clean is the BOMB, ....AND I DON'T USE THAT WORD LIGHTLY LOL, glad things ar well with you and yours Love ya