Wednesday, September 24, 2008

kid free day

So, today has been great! I woke up to a house of no kids. How did I manage that, you ask? Well, Morgan had spent the night with Katie and Chandler was hanging out with my dad today doing some stuff. I told Cha that he had to get all of his school work done last night since he would be gone all day today. So, he did. He even took a math test...good boy, and he only missed 3 out of 24. Not too shabby. Woohoo for this new math!

I got tons done that I probably would not have gotten done if the kids were here. I worked in the yard. I even went to Lowe's and got some pretty mums to put in my planters. I did some touch up painting on some areas in the house. I used a trick that I learned from Damon. If the paint is chipped just a little and doesn't require a paint brush, you can use a q-tip. It works great. I did it today.

Oh....let me back up to yesterday. Morgan had a soccer game. Chandler ususally always goes with us but this time he just wanted to stay home. She played at a field off of West End. That's near down town Nashville, for those that may not know. Anyway, when we got there, one of Morgan's coaches told us that Jvone Kearse was there. He plays for the Tennessee Titans. He is also Chandler's favorite player. So, I immediatley called him. He was sick. He wanted to drive his car and come there. I told him by the time he got there, Jvone Kearse would probably be gone. There was this little football team practicing on the field that Morgan was gonna play on. I think he was there doing community service or something. When he got ready to leave, he walked right beside me and I said, "Can I take your picture?". I wanted to send it to Chandler. He was very nice about it. He came over and sat down right beside me. I took his pic but for the life of me could not get it to send to Cha. Morgan was using Chandler's soccer ball. She got Jvone to sign it and Morgan gave it to Chandler. What a sweet sister. When she gave it to him, he said..."thanks for ruining my soccer ball"....he was soooo just kidding with her! He loved it!

I picked Bradley up for church tonight. That's my usualy routine for Wednesday. Rick get's him on Sunday's. I do Wednesday. That boy loves going to church. When church is over, he is never ready to leave. He loves the fellowship. Every single service, he gets prayed for. Tonight, as Rick was pushing him up front, Vic said..."I wish he would just get up".....One of these times, he's gonna walk out of there!!!!!!! GRANT IT, LORD JESUS!!!!!!!!!!!!

That's about it, I guess.

good nite!


Erika J. said...

i can't tell you how many times recently that i've had dreams of BRAD. the old brad. in my dream, i see him back to his normal self and run up to him and just hug him and cry. man, i miss him!

Autumn said...

tam you talk as if cha and morgan are 2 and 3! ha! great job, all the stuff you got done :)

Netty said...