Mothers Asking for Divine Deliverance!!!!!!! I can't wait to hear all the good reports from this.
God has already begun working!!!!!!
So, this morning I am going to get my hair cut at 10:00. From there, I'm going grocery shopping. What a day to shop for food, huh? A day that I'm not eating.....why do I torture myself. HA!
I might swing into the Goodwill and see if they have any skirts that interest me. I try to go in about once a week. It's so hard for me to pay anything over $3.99 for a skirt when I know I can find such cutes ones now at the Goodwill. We'll see.
There's always house "stuff" to do. ALWAYS!
Oh yeah, I have been out of checks now for several days. I don't really know what happened with the re- order slip. Anyway, last week I went into the bank and re-ordered them. She told me that it would be 7 to 10 business days before I got them. O.K.....well..... that's doesn't help the fact that I have bills to pay and need checks, so I asked the girl what I should do. She suggested two things to me. I could get money orders to pay all my bills or I could pay online. I opted for the online thing. Steve and I sat yesterday at the computer setting up "online pay". It's really gonna be kinda cool to just click a button and have your bills paid. No more writing out checks, going to the post office to purchase stamps and then the bill not reaching it's destination for a day or too. Steve "bookmarked" the places that we will be paying on-line so all I have to do is pull it up, click pay now and it's done. How easy is that?
I know, I know, you all have probably been doing this for years but I've been doing it the old fashioned way. Well, that is until I had no checks and didn't really have a choice, not too many choices anyway. I like this though. I should have been doing it already. Now that I'm all set up, I think it's the easiest way to pay your bills. So, go me!
Enjoy your day....make it count for Jesus!!!!!
Thursday, July 31, 2008
M.A.D.D. Thursday
Posted by Tam at 6:48 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
I got the best news!!!!!!!
My mom called just a little bit ago to tell me that my brother and his family are coming to Family Camp.....THANK YOU JESUS!!!!!!!!
This has truly made my day. God is SO good and SO faithful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am so jazzed (in best Emily voice) hehe!
Posted by Tam at 6:56 PM 2 comments
Monday, July 28, 2008
Even the Windows???!!!
Every Monday my post seem to say the same thing, to a degree. That's because every Monday morning is the same for me. Yep, clean the shop. But, today it took me a little longer. Tommy has these huge plate glass windows that line the front of the building. The cleaning lady that cleaned before me would clean those windows every other time. Since I've been doing it, I haven't done the windows. Yuck! When I got there this morning, Tommy handed me the Windex and said the windows need to be cleaned.....Yuck again. But, I did it. Inside and out.
I met Lynn at the Y after cleaning and ran my usual 3 miles. After all the cake I ate this weekend, I needed to run more than three. I guess I thought this would be the last time I could ever eat cake so I had to eat as much as I possibly could. HA! I mentioned about the apple cake I made, which I ate ALL weekend. Yesterday, at the church dinner Sherry Shert had made a carrot cake (another one of my favorites) to which I had TWO slices. Then last night after church I had a piece and a half of the apple cake (OF COURSE, I HAD to finish off what was left in the pan..ha) along with one of Lynn's monster cookies. Good Grief! Told ya I had alot of cake! It was all good but by the time I got into bed last night, I felt sick.
I've been cleaning some this afternoon. My floors really, really needed to be mopped so I knocked that out. I've got clean sheets on my bed...ahhhhh.... I love clean sheets.
Tonight's dinner consisted of Shake n Bake Chicken, corn, rice and salad. Chandler said the chicken was the "best tastin" I had ever made. Wow...thanks, Shake and Bake! ha!
So now, Jon & Kate plus 8 is on but it's a re-run.
Oh yeah, listen to this deal. Yall know I LOVE deals. One of the books that Chandler needs for his Grammar/Composition class for tutorial this year is $43.00 brand new. I found it today on ebay for $6.49 including shipping. Can you believe that?! Now that's what I call N-I-C-E!!!!!
Ummmmm, I guess that's about it.
blessing - finding that book sooooooo cheap.
Posted by Tam at 6:44 PM 4 comments
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Emily's 26th birthday party was SUPER fun tonight. I bet there was at least 40 people there. Some of those masks were great. I'm sure there will be tons of pictures on blogs for everyone to see because certainly there was tons of pictures taken. Mine and Steve's "Fox" masks turned out cute, I thought.
O.K. so let me explain my title....."Surprise"
I've known for about a month and a half but I gave my word not to breath a word, so of course I didn't but..... Kasey flew in for Emily's party. She got into town yesterday. WooHoo!!! It was a great surprise for Emily. What a friend. She came to the house today for a while and kidnapped my daughter. Those two are a pair, I tell you. Two of a kind. It was great having Kasey with all of us tonight. Just like old times. We miss her. She will be at church in the morning but she's flying back out around 5 tomorrow evening. Short trip but so glad she's been here. It was very special for her to do that for Em.
Tomorrow will be another busy day. We are having a farewell dinner after the morning service for the Goodman's and for the Frizzell's. The Goodman's are moving to Kentucky and the Frizzell's are going out to paster so we will be missing both of these families.
Autumn Goodman is our Goddaughter. She came home with us from Emily's party tonight. Since they will be leaving soon this gives us some time to spend with her. That little girl is a hoot.
We got the school/computer room all cleaned out today and ready to be painted. I really like the computer being in the bonus room. Morgan said she did too. I think even when Autumn moves out, I will keep the computer/office up here and let that room be a guest bedroom. I like the change.
I guess I should go to bed. It's 11:08pm and tomorrow will be here quickly.
I hope everyone has very blessed services.
good nite!
Posted by Tam at 8:49 PM 5 comments
The Cake
So, the cake I made last night turned out rather well. It was very good, if you ask me. Everyone seemed to enjoy it. If you need an easy recipe for a cake, make this one. Quick, easy and good.
We enjoyed a nice visit with our friends, actually more like family last night with the Yohe's. After dinner, Josh was telling us that Old Navy was moving there store in Murfreesboro to a different location and they had things for $1.99. Laura and I looked at each other at the same time as if to say, "Let's go".
Laura, myself, Morgan and Andrea headed to Old Navy to see what we could see. The guys went to this place called, "Go U.S.A." There is a driving range, where you hit golf balls and video games and, well, just guy stuff.
Old Navy is having a clearance sale. I was determined though that for me to purchase something, it HAD to be on sale....big time. Morgan asked about a couple of things, and I would say..."is it on clearance". If her answer was no, then my answer was no. As we were moseying around the store we came across this really cute dress for her. The tag said $25, I think, but Miss Morgan promptly took herself up to a sales person to ask "Is this on clearance?" The answer she got was exactly what she wanted to hear...."yes, it's marked down to $5.99.....YES! SCORE! This cute little dress now belongs to one Morgan Taylor Fox.
After checking things out at Old Navy, the girls went back home to finish watching a movie that they were watching before we decided to go shop. Andrea had driven her car for this very reason.
Laura and I went over to Party City. I needed to find some masks for the Fox family (in case your wondering....Emily's 26th birthday is today and a requirement for her party is that we all where a mask). Morgan had picked hers up while out shopping yesterday. Chandler just wanted a plain mask. It looks like the Lone Ranger...remember him? I found these cute little "fox" masks for Steve and I to match. Get it..."Fox" masks.. they are cute. It will be fun to see how creative everyone gets with their masks tonight.
I hope everyone enjoys their weekend.
Posted by Tam at 7:58 AM 0 comments
Friday, July 25, 2008
Things to do, places to go, people to see
This morning at 10:30 Morgan and I had a teeth cleaning/dentist visit. Chandler was suppose to go with us but he didn't know about the appointment (my fault for not telling him) and he made plans to go to Joelton to visit a friend. I have always made our dentist appointments (the kids and me) at the same time. Our dentist is about 30 minutes away and it was just easier for us to all go at the same time. Now that Chandler is driving, I won't have to worry about that so much. I rescheduled his for August 8th.
Katie spent the night with Morgan last night, so she was with us at the dentist. As I was sitting in the chair with my mouth wide open and the girl cleaning my teeth, Katie walks in the room with her cell phone and says, "Cyrstal wants to talk to you"? Uhhhhh, Hello....I'm a little tied up here. Teenagers sometimes...where are there brains? HA! Anyway, to make a long story short, Crystal, Megan, Brandon and Tyler came by the dentist office to pick up Morgan and Katie to "hang out" today. Morgan informed me she would be home sometime around 5.
We have plans tonight to hang out with the Yohe's. Jeff had promised me a birthday dinner from back in May. We are just now getting around to it. He's making homemade chicken and noodles for me. Yum yum! I am providing the desert. I got a new recipe that I've been wanting to try out. It's for an apple cake. It's very simple but sounds super good. Here's the recipe:
1 box yellow cake
1 can apple pie filling
3 eggs
cream cheese icing with added pecans.
Sounds good, huh? I'll let ya know after tonight.
Here shortly I'll be running some things over to Amy Donnafield. When I was cleaning out those closets the other day, I discovered that I have tons of old reading books and such that possibly she could use for her girls. I also found an old Science kit that I purchased one year with the intent of doing great and mighty Science experiments with the kids. Yeah right! I think I used maybe one of the experiments. Most of the stuff is still in the packaging. So, I'm gonna see if Amy wants to use it. Somebody needs too. I don't want it to go to waste.
that's all for now!
Posted by Tam at 11:51 AM 1 comments
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Gearing up for school
Today Lynn and I got our heads together and made our lists of what we will be needing for this school year. She and I have done this every year for the past 11 years now. We try to stay together in our schooling. It's nice to have our kids in the same grades. For the most part, we choose our "stuff" together. It's just easy when the kids are together for them to be doing the same things. So far, it's worked out nicely. This year there is one class that Justin will be taking at tutorial that I chose not to put Chandler in. For several years, we've done Landmark History but to change things up a bit, today, I bought Alpha/Omega for both of my kids. (just for history) Actually, Cha will be doing Government/Economics.
The subjects they will be taking this year are:
Advanced Math - Saxon
Chemistry - Apologia (at tutorial)
British Literature (at tutorial)
Grammar/Composition - Write for College (at tutorial)
Government/Economics - Alpha/Omega
Bible - BTI Courses
Algebra I - Saxon
History - Alpha/Omega
General Science - Apologia
Easy Grammar
Spelling/Vocabulary - A Beka
I hope we have great year! I'm sooooooo thankful for homeschooling! It's worked for us and I'm so glad it has. It's been a blessing to be able to have taught my children how to read and now my son will be a junior in high school. WOW!!!!!!
changing books-----
Megan Taylor's (Ricky's wife) father had a heart attack this morning so Steve and I are heading up to the hospital here in a few. Please remember him in your prayers. Also, pray for Megan. She's 7 months pregnant and stress is not good for any of us but especially if you are expecting.
Also, pray for Bro. Dupre. He's very sick.
man, alot to pray about, huh? But, Prayer is our answer to everything!
love to all
Posted by Tam at 3:07 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
One closet led to another
I am worn out. For the past, about 3 or 4 hours, I have been cleaning out closets. I started in the room that is gonna be Autumn's bedroom, which has been our school room. I've had to do some much needed organizing and "getting rid" of stuff. Not only did I clean out the closet in this room but I cleaned out the storage space that is up under our staircase which also happens to be in this room as well. Also, I jumped into the closet in my laundry room. Steve helped me and we got ALOT done. We went through old papers, bank statements and stuff from way too long ago. Steve shredded alot of things that we just didn't need any more.
Boy, have we been working. I love it when things are organized and clean. Makes me happy! I think we have about 10 trash bags to take to the dump tomorrow and about 3 to go to goodwill. Our computer is going up in the bonus room, so I even rearranged the room to get ready for the move. I could not convince Steve to undo all the computer stuff tonight. Oh well, we have gotten tons done.
To say the least, I'm t-i-r-e-d! I've had a headache tonight. Maybe a good nights sleep will help.
I'm out for now!
Posted by Tam at 6:06 PM 4 comments
Monday, July 21, 2008
Shew.....97 degrees
Man, is it hot or what? The news man said today was the hottest we've had so far. I think summer time has arrived. I don't want to complain though, it's been a nice spring. To me, it's just now really getting hot. anyway.....
Monday means I clean Tommy's shop. This has really been a nice way to make some extra money. We used the money I have made when we went to the State Convention and I was able to send money with Steve and the kids when they went to Six Flags on Saturday. It's nice that we've had this extra coming in for those"extra" things, especially right now. I'm gonna have to change my cleaning days from Monday to Friday's when school starts back. I don't want it to interfere with our schooling and on Friday's the kids will be going to tutorial so that will be a better time for me to clean.
Speaking of school, the kids have their first day of tutorial on August 15th. I think our first "official" day to start back with everything will be August 18th. Where has the summer gone?
I've got to start getting Autumn's room ready. She will be here the end of August. After Family Camp which is the last weekend of August she will be an official Tennessean! She is gonna be staying with us until she can get her feet on the ground with a job and such. I've decided to let our school room/comptuer room be her bedroom. It really is a bedroom anyway, we've just been using it for school. We are gonna move the computer up to the bonus room which works just fine. After I get everything out, I'm gonna have to paint it. Autumn can't stand the color yellow and wouldn't you know it, the room is....yep.... sunny yellow! I think I'll go with a tan/neutral color.
Welp, it's almost six o'clock and I'm getting hungry so I think I'll go make dinner.
Posted by Tam at 3:32 PM 1 comments
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Shop til you drop
That's exactly what Les and I did today.
She is re-doing her bathroom. Like for real! Her dad is completely gutting it out and starting over so she wanted to shop for decor.
My family, all three of them went to Six Flags over Georgia today. Kim's band, which is all of the teenagers, went. Steve was a driver, that's how he got to go. Isn't that kinda funny, my husband, my vertigo filled husband who cannot ride any sort of a roller coaster, because it makes him deathly sick went to a theme park. Now, that's commitment, if you ask me! ha!
Anyway, with them being gone, I had the day to myself so Les and I decided to hit the stores. We first went to Subway for lunch. I had buy one six inch get a second six inch for free. woo hoo!
After lunch, we went to Kohls. Les had a 20% off coupon. Today was our day for deals. We found her new bathroom stuff in about 5 minutes. Seriously, it took about that long for us to find what she liked. It was already 45% off and then she had her additional 20% off. After Kohls, we went to TJ Maxx. I had gotten 2 gift cards for my birthday, back in May, each for 25 dollars that I still had not spent. I needed, well...O.K. wanted a new shower curtain rod and hooks for my guest bathroom. I got those and also got a new pair of reef flip flops. I love that brand and usually they are at least $20 but TJ Maxx had a pair for $12.99, so I snatched them. Les didn't get anything at this store.
From there, we headed to, let 's see.....oh yeah, Marshals. I don't go in there much, but I like it. I also like the flip flops made by "roxy". They had some on clearance for $10. That's about half price of what they usually are. So, I snatched them also. I love flip flops, if you can't tell.
After Marshals, we went into Ross. I don't go in here much either, but I like it too. I didn't get anything from here but Les got a really cute skirt.
By this time, we were so tired. Like literally tired AND tired of shopping.
I wasn't expecting my family home until super late, like at least midnight. But, I talked to Steve and the park was closing at 5. Isn't that weird? Why would a theme park close so early in the middle of the summer? So, they should be home around 9. I bet they will be worn out.
I guess that's about it for now.
blessing - a good day!
p.s. Why isn't anyone posting or commenting much?!
Posted by Tam at 6:07 PM 3 comments
Friday, July 18, 2008
Out of the mouths of babes
Morgan just came into my room, where I was, sat down on my bed and said..."Ah, Momma, Jesus is soooooo good!" Because I know my child ever so well, I knew exactly what she was talking about.
I told her, "Morgan, the Bible says, that He, Jesus, is a rewarder of those that diligently seek Him". "You have diligently been seeking Him for your need, and He is rewarding you."
For about a year now, Morgan has had a "need". (like many of us do, right?) Many, many times she has been prayed for at church and we have diligently been praying for her "need" as a family. In the past few weeks we have truly seen God moving in behalf of this.
Yes, God is soooooooo good and I praise His Holy Name that He answers prayer!! So, keep praying!!!!!!!
Posted by Tam at 1:40 PM 1 comments
3rd night of VBS
Again, another good one. The theme for the night was "resist". Of course, if was about resisting temptation. I haven't mentioned that each night when VBS starts, Bro. Galen and Bro. Shaw will do a little mini-skit to introduce what we will be focusing on for that night.
Each night they have been stranded on a island (like the movie Cast-Away). Well, last night they were both VERY hungry. Bro. Shaw found some very inticing berries but Bro. Galen knew that they could be harmful. To make a long story short, Bro Shaw could not "resist" the temptation of eating these berries that looked so good because of his hunger. Galen continued to "warn" him. Bro. Shaw ended up "giving in" to his temptation and eating those berries. The berries killed him. Just at that time, a rescue helicopter came through and rescued Bro. Galen from the island. It was really cute and made a great point. Each night the mini-skits were along these lines.
Bro. Shaw's class on "resist" was really good also. He had a great example. He had a softball inside a 5 gallon bucket with a hole cut just large enough for the ball to come out. But, if you had your hand inside, reaching in to get the ball, it was almost impossible to get it out. Well, he would have a youth come up and try to get the ball out. In the meantime, he had Steve dressed as the devil walking around. Whoever had there hand inside the bucket, trying to get the ball out, only had enough time to do it before Satan got them. No one had enough time to get that ball out before the devil got to them. His point was, Satan will tempt you with things only to devour you before you actually get what he offers. Isn't that a good point?!
For recreation, Amy rented one of those HUGE blow up things, that you can jump in. It went along with our "resist" night. (I'll try to explain this, if I can). Two people at a time, got in and had to stand on this VERY unstable round thing. Both got two large sticks (made from the same stuff that the jumpy stuff is made out of) ???!!! (I told yall, I'm TRYING to explain). You had to try and push your opponant off. You had to "resist" what was being done to you. I know this is a sorry excuse for trying to explain sorta reminded you of being a gladiator. You had to wear these mask things, get in the boxing ring and try not to get pushed off of the top. There was a top and a bottom and whoever remained on top was the winner.
It was soooooooo much fun. How would I know? Because I did it. Before all the kids got out there, Crystal said, "come on, Tam". So, I did. We did it twice and yep she beat the tare out of me. I did a complete flip off that thing and my helmet ended up half way off. MAN, WAS IT FUN! ha!
Tonight is the last night. We've had a great week. Tonight will be a little different. The kids will get there graduation certificates. I think there is a couple of skits prepared. And, we are having a cook out. Should be fun!
later gators!
Posted by Tam at 6:47 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
2nd night of VBS
Again, another super fun night. The kids seem to really be enjoying it. Tonight Steve taught on "Believe". He did a really good job. He started with facts/myths about islands and such (remember the theme: "Soul Survivor". Actually he did not say facts or myths but rather "believe or not believe". (hinse the "believe" topic) Anyway, the two VLB's that got the most correct answers got to participate in a contest. The name of the Island this week is "Mount Wannahawkalugi" (something like that). The name is from the movie "Finding Nemo". Anyway, the two winners got to Hauk a loogie, with a hot dog. They had to see who could spit a bite of hot dog the farthest. Do you get it? (Wannahawkalugi.....Wanna hauk a loogie)?! Those kids loved it.
So, last night my "ice breaker" was how I got them with the emergency phone call that wasn't an emergency at all. And, Steve's ice breaker was Wanna Hauk a Loogie. Ha!
He spoke about having to put action behind believing. He used the example of jumping out of an airplane. You have on a parashutte and just at the right time you pull the cord for it to open. You "believe" that it will open but until you pull the chord (putting action behind your belief) it does you know good. If you never open the parashutte, you can believe all the way down and be a great big splat on the ground. Action comes behind believing. (Faith without works is dead!)
It was really good!
Tomorrow night our theme is "Resist". Bro. Shaw is teaching the class. I 'm sure, again, it will be awesome.
It's great to see all the visitors we are having. One lady from the neighborhood, saw our sign in the church yard and decided to bring her son. Just from us advertising with the sign, I know of two different families that have come. Isn't that great? It would be so wonderful if after VBS they continued to come.
So, until next time
c ya!
Posted by Tam at 7:53 PM 1 comments
1st night of VBS
Our first night was GREAT! We had about 30 of our own gleaners and VLB's and 18 visitors. How cool is that? The first night, and 18 visitors. The decorations are soooooooo awesome. I'm sure someone will take pics and post. O.K., so now I can share how I opened my class on Prayer last night.
I started by just welcoming everyone and talking about the theme. I had Steve come from the back, saying "Sis. Tammy, we have an emergency". He came and whispered in my ear as if sharing an urgent emergency with me. From there, I very seriously apologized to the youth but said we had an emergency and I had to get in touch with someone. ***you should have seen the looks on their faces, they sooooo fell for this****
I grabbed my cell phone, while talking out loud to myself and to the kids...."oh my....I don't really know what to do, I've got to get in touch with someone"..."sorry guys about this, just give me a minute". Well, my cell phone would not work, no connection (of course/on purpose). I then tried to send a text. Of course, it would not go through. (again, on purpose) By this time, the kids were suggesting things to me like..."Sis. Tammy, maybe if you go outside, you can get a connection". I even had one youth walk up and offer me his cell phone. Anyway, these kids were doing exactly what I wanted them to do. I wanted them to believe that there was a real emergency, and they did. Even the adults that were in there, believed me. YES!!!! What I really wanted them to see was how I was responding....I was trying to get in touch with someone.....someone other than the Lord?!?! ***get it?***
I even had an adult tell me after the class..."you really had me going, I thought maybe there was an emergency with Brad". So, obviously my "acting" skills were working.
Anyway, after a few minutes of not being able to reach someone through the cell phone, or text messaging, finally Steve spoke up from the back and said..."Tammy, why don't you just pray?" And I said, "oh, I didn't think of that".
Then, of course, I continued with how often do we do this? Talk to everyone BUT the Lord?
All in all, I feel like it went well. The kids interacted which always helps. The whole class was very laid back and fun! I thank the Lord!
I'm expecting tonight to be great as well. There is excitement in the air around the church.
***changing books - I've got to hit the grocery store today. As my son would say..."mom, there is nothing in this house to eat". This usually means, there is nothing that HE wants in this house to eat. But actually, there really isn't too much here. So, after my devotion and doing things around the house, it's off to Kroger I shall go.
hope everyone has a great day!
blessing - great 1st night of VBS!
Posted by Tam at 7:30 AM 3 comments
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Gorgeous weather
The past two days have been absolutely beautiful weather. There hasn't been humidity and that alone makes all the difference in the world.
Tonight VBS starts. Our theme this year is "Soul Survivor". I haven't seen them yet but I hear the decorations are the best. I get to teach the VLB's tonight. Our class is on Prayer. I'm excited about it. Steve is teaching tomorrow night on "Believe". VBS at Antioch has always been so much fun. Everyone always goes all out. It's a special week for our gleaners and youth. Well, actually, it's a special week for us oldies also. I'm looking for a super great week and if you can come, you will not want to miss it. Bradley needs to come, he will have a blast. I'll have to make sure we get him there.
I'll have to share how I plan to start my class tonight but I will have to wait because I don't want any of the young people to read this and know. So, after my class, I'll share. I think it 's pretty cool. I can say that because it wasn't my idea, it was the Lord's. Thank you, Lord!
Oh yeah, a GREAT big PRAISE THE LORD!!!! My mom has been having issues with her sugar being too high....way too high. When they first tested her, it was 9.8 (I think) and the Dr. wanted her to go on medicine. She asked him if she could have some time to try and get it down without meds. Two Sunday night's ago, she got prayed for. She said she knew the Lord could touch her and she did not want to have to take medicine. She got re-checked. It has come down to 6.9. How bout them apples?! The doctor said there is no need for medicine. Whatever she is doing, just keep it up. THANK YOU, JESUS......Prayer does work!!!!!!
Posted by Tam at 1:32 PM 3 comments
Monday, July 14, 2008
Blessing on top of Blessing
That's how to describe this weekend. The first blessing was that Sis. Smith invited us to stay at their house so that meant no hotel cost.....Super Great blessing. It's amazing how "at home" she makes you feel while you are there. She made two different homemake pies and cinnamon rolls that where absolutely delish!!! It was nice, very nice to be in their home. Thanks again, Sis. Smith.
The convention was wonderful. Saturday night's service was, well, it was one of those that is better felt than telt. You had to be there to fully grasp it. But, to say the least, the Lord moved through in a mighty way. I'm so glad I was there and didn't miss it. The entire weekend was so encouraging. It was just what we needed to bring back home and get moving with fresh, zeal!!!!! One thing that I loved was the inspiration that every Thursday will be prayer and fast day for our "children". You've heard about M.A.D.D. (Mothers Against Drunk Driving) well, we are having M.A.D.D. (Mothers Asking for Divine Deliverance)....Don't you LOVE that?! The enemy is doing his best to destroy but their is Victory when we bind together in Prayer and Fasting and that's exactly what we are going to do. I can't wait to hear the testimonies of Divine Deliverance.
Everything was just so wonderful. I know this will be a great year for our local churches. I desire to do my part, whatever and however that may be.
Every message, every song, every boost, simply everything was just what we needed. To God be the Glory!!!!!!!!!
Posted by Tam at 4:11 PM 4 comments
Sunday, July 13, 2008
State Convention.......
.....was WONDERFUL. But, I'm just too tired right now to post. We are back home safe and sound and ready to start a new year full of "ZEAL"!!!!!!!
I'll post more later.
good night
oh yeah, we have to put up with those Campbell's for another year. tee hee !!
Posted by Tam at 7:04 PM 0 comments
Saturday, July 12, 2008
I only ate a bowl of cereal and a piece of watermelon last night for dinner so needless to say, I'm so hungry this morning. I've already had my usual 2 pieces of peanut butter and honey toast and could eat 2 more. Anyway....
We are leaving today for State Convention. We can't leave until after 10:30 because someone (I forget what you call them) is coming out to take Steve's blood and such for insurance purposes. We've had to find other means of life insurance until we get a job so they've had to come take pictures of our house and now they are coming to make sure Steve is healthy. (I guess that's why they do it). But, as soon as they leave, we are heading to Cleveland. I'm expecting a SUPER great weekend.
Hope yall have one too!
Posted by Tam at 5:48 AM 0 comments
Friday, July 11, 2008
I couldn't think of a better "Title"
Steve and Chandler just left the house. They are going to Mt. Juliet to help get the "stuff". The "stuff" is decorations donated to us by a Baptist Church for VBS. Apparently, they are finished with their VBS and ours is next week so they offered them to us. Well, I'm not really sure if they offered or someone asked or what but, however it happened, it's a blessing to have them. Our them is "Soul Survivor". It starts next Tuesday thru Friday. So, yall come, O.K?
Speaking of VBS, I'm teaching one of those nights and really need to get on that. I've had a few ideas tossing around in my head but would love to get that finalized, or at least finalized for the most part before we leave for State Convention tomorrow. Hmmmm, we'll see.
Speaking of State Convention, Morgan has decided that she wants to go down today with mom & dad. She's just my "go" girl. Anything she wants to "go" to that involves church, I say...GO!
Have a good day yall!
Posted by Tam at 5:52 AM 2 comments
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Man, they are comin in like flies...........
Steve got a call today for another interview. A totally different one from yesterday. Wachovia Bank called and wants to interview him.
Posted by Tam at 1:54 PM 3 comments
Now we play the waiting game????!!!!
Steve's interview went really well. The first guy even brought in a second guy to talk with him. There's one position with a Health Care Company that could possibly work. He would be the Credit Manager. Anyway, Steve was very encouraged when he left. We'll see.....?????
Really and truly we are grateful for the call and interview alone. That is more than we've had. So, from here, we wait and see what happens. If this is what God wants for us, then we want it. If this is not what God wants for us, we do not want it. He knows and He will let us know!!!
Today I'm gonna go hang with Bradley for a while. Rachel and Rex (his mother and the man she's married too) have to go to Alabama, I think, for a funeral. So, I'll go see what the Bradmyster is up too.
Guess that 's about it for now. Gotta go meet Lynn at the Y.
blessing - of course, the interview!
Posted by Tam at 6:15 AM 0 comments
Monday, July 7, 2008
Steve has an interview!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!PRAISE THE LORD!!!!!!!!!!!!
A recruiter called this afternoon and has 3...yep...3 positions that he wants to discuss with him.
THANK YOU JESUS for this open door!!!!!!!!!!
Please pray for God's perfect will.
Posted by Tam at 5:00 PM 2 comments
Testimony time
Last night's service was awesome.
Let me start by saying that although Steve does not "worry" about our job situation, there are those days, VERY few days, when he gets a little quiet on me. Those are the days when I know it's weighing heavy on his mind. Well, yesterday was one of those days. As he testified in church last night..."I'm not concerned, I'm just NOT in control". **not always easy***???!!!
I knew that it was on his mind yesterday because he was extra, extra, extra quiet. If you know my husband, you know he is a quiet person anyway but I think he may have said 5 words most all day. I knew exactly what it meant. Anyway, by the time we were headed back to church, I was praying for God to "refresh" him or "encourage" him in the service last night.
Church began and right before daddy was gonna start his message my mom stood and said she had to be obedient to the Lord. She wanted special prayer. She wasn't feeling well at all and knew God could touch her. Well, from there, things just snowballed. One after another, after another, began to get prayed for. Steve and I stood in for our job situation and others stood in for different things. Sis Beverly then said that the Lord had given her specific instructions for us to march around the church, the men first, the women next and then the children 7 times in complete silence and then "shout"! (sound familiar). Well, of course, that's exactly what we did. You could feel the presence of the Lord as soon as we began. Many were weeping under the spirit of the Lord. As we began, Bro. Galen went and grabbed the church flag and handed it to daddy, who was leading the march. After the 7th time, we began to shout praises to the Lord!!!! Momma spoke up and encouraged us to each walk under the flag and as we did this many/all were blessed by the Lord. I saw our young people being blessed and worshiping the Lord. It was a beautiful sight to behold. It was just the "shot in the arm" as Sis. Connie Wilson says, that we all needed. IT WAS AWESOME!!!!!
Needless to say, the Lord answered my prayer for my husband and he left church much more encouraged than when he got there. I praise the Lord that He knows just what we need...when we need it.
Another cool thing that happened....Crystal had fractured her finger on the youth camping trip. After service, she said she knew that the Lord had touched her finger but when she got home and took off the brace thingy, her finger was completely healed. Praise the Lord!
Posted by Tam at 6:25 AM 4 comments
Saturday, July 5, 2008
5th of July
Smyrna's fireworks were tonight. I guess they figured that they could not compete with Nashville's on the 4th so they had it tonight. A big bunch of us went. There was the Fox's, Autumn (she's back from Florida), the Henderson's, the Mayberry's, the Donnafield's, Amy's mom, Em, Crystal, Keith, Dustin Washburn, Alaena and her husband, and Kyshia and Seth. It was alot of fun!
Tomorrow is gonna be a great day also. After service, we are having a farewell dinner for David. He leaves for training for the Army on Wednesday. Please pray for the Henderson's in this new chapter of their lives. The dinner is also to raise money to get us to 100% for CPMA.
I guess that's about it for now
good night
blessing - spending these last two days with family and great friends!!!
Posted by Tam at 8:23 PM 2 comments
Fun pics from the 4th
So, some of our extended family did get to come. Les' mom & dad and Galen & Amy and the girls celebrated the 4th with us and it was GREAT. I believe this was one of the most fun 4th of July's that we've had. I LOVE my family. I LOVE being with them. We had a blast. The kids got to swim and get in the hot tub. When it got dark, Tommy pulled out his fireworks and him and Galen and all the kids went to the road to shoot them off while the rest of us watched. He had some great fireworks. Huge ones! It was just a SUPER GREAT, FUN night.
Les, Me and Amy pose for a quick pic My mom and her sister enjoying the hot tub
Two of my favorite people in the mom & my uncle!
Brad and me....."whus uuuuuuuuuppppppppp"!!!!
Is this not a beautiful group of yunguns?!
Bro. & Sis. Donnafield and Tommy & Deb enjoying some good eatin
Dev and Abby "Lou" (that's what I call her)
There's those great youth leaders AND they are family..woohoo!!
Momma and Les....deep conversation....ha!
The 3 stooges
Look at that table of food....yum...yum!!!!
Posted by Tam at 6:26 AM 0 comments
Friday, July 4, 2008
Rock update and other stuff
I guess I haven't really thought about giving an update on Steve's vertigo situation until Em said, "be sure and give us an update". We were at that stinkin Dr.'s office for about 41/2 hours. Actually, it was 3 different offices. The first one was for a CT Scan of his head. The second was for them to do all kind of tests on him, to purposely throw him into vertigo and the third one was to actually talk to the Dr. about the previous results. Turns out, the CT Scan was perfectly normal, so none of the vertigo is coming from something in his brain. Thank the Lord! They found his problem by doing all those weird test which by the way he says was ABSOLUTLEY AWFUL!!!!! It's bad enough to be sick with vertigo but to do it on purpose...shew! He said he finally had to tell her after several of the tests..."I hope you got what you need cause I cannot continue this". Thankfully, she was finished.
They found the problem in his left inner ear. Those rocks/crystals are out of alignment. Here's what they told us...vertigo is actually a virus that stays in your body. That sounded really weird to me, but it's what he said. Whenever you get sick with a cold or the flu or such, your immune system gets really weak and the vertigo flares up. As for getting vertigo when your not sick, which often happens to Steve. Well, if those crystals get out of alignment because of sickness and you don't get them lined back up, turning too quickly, riding a coaster, or such can bring on the vertigo.
They gave him these crazy exercises to do that is suppose to line his "rocks" back up. He sits on the side of the couch or bed and quickly throws himself down. He has to fall into the couch/bed. It's quite funny, actually. But, he has to do this twice a day for 6 weeks and if this doesn't work they want him to have an MRI. Please do continue to pray for him to be healed of this.
So, today is the 4th!!!! I hope it doesn't rain on everyone's plans. I'm very excited to get together with my family. We are having extended family come also. Debbie's mom will be there. Les' mother and father are coming and hopefully Galen & Amy and the girls. We also invited Steve's mom and sister and family. I hope they all can make it. We will have a great time.
Oh yeah, one last thing, Morgan and I watched the Alvin and the Chipmunks movie last night. It was sooooo cute. If you haven't seen it, I recommend it. Such a good, sweet, wholesome movie.
Have a super great 4th yall!!!!!
Remember this.....we celebrate all those that have given themselves for our great country BUT do not forget the one who gave Himself for our souls....Thank you Jesus!!!!
Posted by Tam at 7:05 AM 1 comments
Thursday, July 3, 2008
This and that
When I woke up this morning, my husband was gone. He'll be back, people, he just went to get the oil changed in my car. ha!
I have desperatley got to go to the grocery store today. We are out of alot of stuff.
Yesterday, I went swimming at my brothers house. He has a pool in his backyard. So, us girls took advantage of it, no boys....well, except for my 2 year old nephew. It was very nice and relaxing.
Last night in the youth service, all the VLB's tesified about the camping trip. They all had a really good time, it sounds like. I'm so thankful for our youth leaders. I tell you, they are wonderful with our youth. They are VERY involved with the young people. Where ever our youth are, you can expect to see the Donnafield's. I love that!
So, what is everyone doing for the 4th? All of our family are hanging out at Tommy & Debbie's house. My brother always has tons of fireworks so the kids will love that. Tommy knows someone who smokes ribs so that's what we are having, along with lots of other stuff. Those ribs are too good. I love hanging out with my family. They are the best.
Hmmmmm, what else????
that's all for now.....
blessing - family that loves to be together.
Posted by Tam at 6:35 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
For years, actually most of his life, Steve has had REALLY bad vertigo. In his adult years it has gotten so bad that even turning too quickly on the riding lawn mower could make him dizzy. Whenever he gets a bad cold or any type of sinus stuff he always gets vertigo with it.
Today he is having a CT Scan done along with other tests to try and figure out where all this is coming from. They are gonna do some test that will purposely throw him into vertigo to try and figure out how to help him get over this. Believe it or not, there are these rock type things in our heads that if they get out of wack, well, the result is vertigo. So, hopefully, they will be able to get his rocks back in place. He's just such a rock head. HA! (cheesy, I know!)
Anyway, please pray that all goes well and that we can get all this head/inner ear stuff figured out for him.
Posted by Tam at 8:42 AM 6 comments