Tuesday, April 8, 2008

This NEVER happens

I didn't have to leave my house the entire day! Usually I have at least one kid to get somewhere but not today.

My phone rang this morning around 7:15am. It was Les...she asked, "are you up?". "yep", I was. So, we began our hour long conversation. A really great conversation, I might add. One of those "sister" talks. It was great!!!

Morgan usually has Spanish class on Tuesday's, but her teacher called and canceled due to a really bad migraine. First thing I didn't have to leave the house for. Didn't bother me at all.

Chandler was suppose to either have a soccer gamer or practice. We got word that he was having neither today. Second thing I didn't have to leave the house for. Again, didn't bother me at all.

Lynn called and asked if I was going to the Y. "well" I said..."I'm not sure, are you?" We decided that since everything else had gotten canceled today, it would be really nice to not have to go anywhere since most days are not like this at all. Usually, there is something, outside of this house that needs attending too. Going to the post office, grocery store, taking one of the kids somewhere but nope, not today. It was great. I never left the house and loved every minute of it.

Tomorrow....different story. Cha and I are getting our hair cut at 9:30 in the morning. I will try and go to the Y and run since I didn't go today and then church tomorrow night. But, today was nice while it lasted.

Good night

*blessing - less hectic day.