Tuesday, April 8, 2008

NOT Potato Skins

Yesterday I put a roast in the crock pot for dinner last night. A little later I added potato's. I peeled them and usually I put the skins in a bag and just throw them in the garbage. Not this time.....I peeled them into the sink, the side with the garbage disposal. BAD IDEA. I turned the disposal on with running water, like always. They went down, so I didn't think any thing of it.

I went to Chandler's soccer game. When I got home and turned the water on in the sink....YUCK.....the potato skins had gotten clogged in the drain and both sides of the sink started filling up. When I turned the disposal on, everything went down but came up in the other side. It was gross.

I went and got the plunger. When I tried to plunge it, the dirty, nasty, potato skin water shot up in my face. I asked Steve to please come and try it. When he plunged it, the water shot up in his face too. I got so tickled and told him the very same thing happened to me and he said..."well why didn't you tell me then?" LOL!

Anyway, after both of us tried....both sides were still filled and wouldn't drain. So, I called the plumber people this morning and after $85.00 for about 30 minutes, my sink is now clogged free.

Man, that was expensive for a very dumb mistake. Oh well.....I won't do that again. This is one mistake I will definitely learn from. HA!


bj said...

wow. that sounds crazy. I hate it wen that happens to our sink. :( lol