Thursday, April 3, 2008

I still remember

2 years ago right now, I woke up at Vanderbilt hospital. Well, what sleep I did get that is. Today is the morning after Bradley's accident and we (we meaning....myself, Steve, Rick, Emily, Momma, Nanny, Rachel, and Donnie (Brad's dad) all stayed at the hospital that night. That first night. I remember about 3am, Emily and I were both awake, so we went up to the trauma unit to see him. I sang to him..."Your Grace and Mercy brought Bradley through, he's living this moment because of you, I want to thank you and praise you too, your Grace and Mercy brought Bradley through". I sang that to him over and over and over through out that time we were at the hospital. And even when we came home, I sang it to him.

It truly is God's Grace and Mercy that Bradley is with us today. He shouldn't be. God spared his life. I know that for certain. I believe with ALL my heart that a prayer that Rick, momma and I prayed in that little room out side the trauma unit kept him from being taken. GOD'S GRACE AND MERCY!!!!!!!!!

What a horrible summer that was. The summer of 2006. Brad's accident, my mom got sick and more. BUT, GOD'S GRACE AND MERCY brought my family through. Now, we are beginning the summer of 2008. Things are different. Things change in life but one thing is for sure.....GOD GRACE AND MERCY!!!!! Things have gotten easier to a degree. Compared to that summer, anyway.

My family is still trusting God for Bradley's complete healing. I do wonder why, two years later, we are still waiting but I trust God's Word and His ways. There's a reason Brad's not whole right now. God see's the big picture. We see and want right now but I know God works while we wait. He not only is working for Brad but he's working for all of us. I know this! ALL things work together for our good.

So, we try not to get discouraged. We have to know, that even though we don't see with our eyes what we want to see right now, God is in control, and He will NOT disappoint us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

***blessing - an awesome family!


Katie said...

Hey Mrs. Tammy, I wanted to tell you that your message last night was Awesome! It spoke to me, personally and i'm sure many others.
Thank you for letting God use you in such a way.

I love you SO much! You're like my second momma:)

Tam said...

I love you too, Katie!