Wednesday, April 23, 2008

I wonder

if it comes with age. When I was younger, I could sleep like no body's business. Seriously, I would stay in bed on Saturday's until like 2 or 3. Back then, I thought "the old people" always got up with the chickens. ha! I guess I'm becoming one of "the old people". I CANNOT sleep in any more. I wake up even before my alarm goes off. Sleeping in is no later than 7:30am for me. Oh well, I get more done in a day this way.

I have an eye doctor's appt. this morning. I haven't seen an eye doctor in years. I've noticed, for about maybe a year now, that I have to hold my head back when I'm reading something small. I've always had super great vision but I've been told when you hit 40, you will be able to tell a difference and need reading glasses. I think it's happened. So, before our insurance runs out due to Steve's job loss, he told me I needed to go ahead and go.

Chandler's team won again last night. Man, it's really getting exciting. Fun stuff! Our lives are super busy with soccer right now but this too shall pass. One day I won't have kids around to get to soccer games. You know, when they are all grown up and doing their own thing. So for now, I want to enjoy every single minute of their lives. As long as our family is "seeking first the Kingdom of God", then all the other stuff, as busy as we are, I want to enjoy. I love my kids and truly count it a priveledge to be called Chandler and Morgan's Momma. What an honor for me.

Please say a prayer for Morgan. She was asked to do a devotion tonight in the CPMA service. She said, "I would rather sing or lead song service, but a devotion, oh, man". Chandler then spoke up and said, "well, I would rather do a devotion than sing" HA! Anyway, she was willing so I know God will help her.

I want to plant some flowers today. It's been beautiful weather this week. I worked in the yard yesterday. I got all the dead stuff up and trimmed back. Due to the extreme hot weather we had last summer, we lost several trees and bushes.

I guess that's all for now.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot. Remember, yesterday was my brothers birthday. Well, my mom had us over to celebrate Tommy and my birthday's last night. Mine is May 15 so she just decided to have them both together. Daddy grilled hamburgers for us. It was nice. Thanks, Momma.

blessing - the job that I know God has for Steve out there.


LaDonna said...

I'm looking forward to planting some flowers, too. We've been trying to get out and get the flower beds ready. I know what you mean about not being able to sleep in anymore; it's quite aggravating. I used to make fun of my dad because no matter what day it was or what he had to do that day, he always got up early. He said he couldn't sleep past 6. He's even worse now!