Thursday, April 24, 2008

60 years

WOW! Today is my grandparents 60th wedding anniversary. Isn't that awesome? HAPPY ANNIVERSARY, NANNY AND BOB. I'm very blessed to have the grandparents that I have. Both sets of them are still living. What a huge blessing. That is not too common. My mom's parents AND my dad's parents are still alive. I thank the Lord for this.

Morgan did a great job on her devotion last night. She and Kim had the same thought. How cool is that?

Chandler has another game this afternoon but I won't be able to make it. I'm gonna go to Andrea's spring concert. This will be her last one before she graduates and she has a solo. So, I really want to be there for her and for my buddy (Laura).

Guess what?

Well, not his official job (yet)...did I get ya? Kim asked him if he would do a side job for her. She needed some work done in her yard so she hired my husband to do it. I appreciate Kim doing this. It's helping her out and Steve at the same time. Kim is awesome in so many ways.

I have a very special unspoken prayer request that I would appreciate any of you calling out to the Lord. He knows all about it and this is something that we need God to intervene in quickly. Thanks!

Well, I need to go have my morning devotion and get this day started.

Have a good one yall.

blessing - (same as yesterday) - the job I know the Lord has for Steve.


Amanda Bull said...

I am praying for you!