Thursday, April 17, 2008

8am until 8pm

Well, almost 8pm, actually 7:45 or so. This is how long I was gone today. It's been a rather busy day. Remember me saying that Morgan has had testing this week? Well, for probably 6 years (maybe more) I've proctored testing. In case you don't know what proctoring means, let me explain. I administer a test to home schoolers. I volunteer to be one of the moms that "oversee" a group of students while they test. For many years I proctored the little first graders. They are so cute. They are just so honest and out there. I have handed them the test, read over the directions, made sure they knew what to do and told them to start. I've seen some of these little ones put there hands on their heads in desperation and proclaim out loud...."I don't know how to do this". Oh, they are so precious. You just want to say, "it's o.k. honey, I'll help you" but unfortunatley you can't do that. So, I just would have to say, "just do the best you can, sweetie". One of the main reasons, if not the main reason that I proctor is because if I do then my kids get to test for free. And I'm all for that.

Last year I started proctoring the high schoolers. MUCH different. Not so sweet at this age. Just kidding. For the most part, they are good kids too. They just seem to have more attitude in their teens. And, they certainly don't hug me when they leave like the little ones would do. Today I proctored 9th grade girls.

From there, which was about 2:30 I headed to Chandler's soccer game. They won, by the way, and let me just brag on Brandon Shaw. This is his first year to play and I told him last night at church that he seems to get better with each game. He even started tonight. Go Brandon!

Morgan went home with Katie last night from church so I didn't get to see her until tonight. I left first thing this morning. She had soccer practice herself tonight so that meant she couldn't make it to Chandler's game. When she got home tonight, I was sitting on the couch, and she came and sat down right beside me and started talking. Remember I had not seen her since last night so she had to "fill me in" on everything. And I do mean everything. I think she started at A and finished at Z. I don't think she even took a breath. I love that though. I would not change it for anything. Let me share one of the things she shared with me.

She had a conversation today with someone. This someone said to her..."do you think you would be a nerd if you went to my school?" Morgan said, "well, I would be nice to everybody, if that's what you mean". This someone said, "nobody would like you" and Morgan's reply was "Jesus would".

How bout them apples? Could a mother be more proud?! I told her I was so proud of the life she was striving to live for Jesus. I pray God keep this desire of her heart forever.

Today was Steve's last official day at the office. Hmmmmm.....wonder what God's got in store?!

I guess that's all for now anyway.

blessing - COMPLETE peace about our job situation.


Erika J. said...

Morgan cracks me up! Kailee asks about her all the time. Poor Kailee. She's cried a few times. She asks for Allie & GG & Ben. I try to explain to her that they're far away but she's just 2 - it doesn't really register.

LaDonna said...

Everybody would love Morgan no matter what school she went to. How could you not love Morgan?

We're praying for you guys about Steve's job search.