Saturday, April 26, 2008


I got most of my to-do list from yesterday accomplished.

clean house - check
go to store - check/twice actually
get flower basket - nope
math with Chandler - check - Steve helped him
band service - check

Our band service was nice. Steve did a devotion on "if we are too busy to pray, we are too busy".

Is it just me or is everybody's life extra busy these days? Man, life seems crazy busy. Our thought for the band service was no matter how busy we are, it is vital that God...our prayer life, be FIRST. That's why God's Word tells us to "Seek ye FIRST the Kingdom of God". If we are failing in this, due to busy lives, we have too much on our plates. Busy lives are not bad (just exhausting) until we have to "schedule God in" somewhere in our day. With out God first priority, everything else is in vain.

We must be so careful not to be over taken with life that it over takes us. My desire is God first, my family second and everything else after that. I've said before....."we do what we WANT to do", what are my wants? If God is top priority in my life, then I will WANT to do what pleases Him.

Next chapter....

Chandler's soccer game got rained out today. I'm really not disappointed though cause he's had so many lately. This means that we will all get to watch Morgan play. Last week, Steve and I had to split up. He was with Morgan and I was with Chandler. Today, we all get to be with Morgan.

From her game, the kids go straight to their band service.

Hmmmmm, this weekend is tax free weekend? Anyone taking advantage of it? Maybe I'll go by Kohls. Not only tax-free but I have a 15% coupon for anything in the store. Cool, huh?

blessing - my husband