Monday, April 28, 2008

Blessing in disguise

I'm so confident that the Lord has a job for Steve coming that I'm glad he's not working right now. We know God is in control and has a plan for our lives in this situation. We are not worried a bit.

Being able to spend so much time together has been a great blessing. He's been able to be at Chandler's soccer games, and this means alot to Cha. We ride together to the games rather than just me having to bring the kids because Steve can't get off work.

He was able to help Chandler with his Algebra last Friday and today he sat and helped Morgan with a report that she has due on butterflies and moths in her Science class. It has been great.

He was saying on the way home tonight from Chandler's game how he has really enjoyed being able to be at the games.

On Wednesday's, for the past, I don't know how many years, Steve would just meet us at church straight from work. Since he's been off, we get to ride together. Saves on gas....woohoo!! And it's just nice to all 4 be in the car at the same time. May sound silly, but I love it.

It's not gonna last forever cause he will be going back to work as soon as the Lord says so, but for now....I'm really enjoying our family time.

This post may sound really sappy, but I'm thankful and blessed beyond reason. Help my Lord, to never take them for granted.

blessing - my family...really and truly....God has blessed me with a great one!


Sara said...

That wasn't sappy. It's great you guys are getting quality time together and that you actually enjoy it!

Tam said...

Thanks, Sara