Wednesday, April 16, 2008

I've been informed.....

that I need to post, or rather that it's been a while since I have. So here goes....

First.....I want to say "Thank you, Sis. Smith"

It's been a week since my last post and believe me alot has been going on. It's never, ever boring around the Fox Den.

Last Wednesday my husband went into work like he has for the past almost 13 years at the same job. He called me at about 11:00 to pray. He said "something is going on around here". About an hour later he called back to say that he had lost his job. They came in and shut down the whole center. WHAT????? You've got to be kidding me. The company he worked for was downsizing and his center was one that got hit. O.K. what now? Well, I'll tell you....Trust the Lord, that's what!!!!!

I called my mom and her first words were..."Honey, nothing in this life is for sure except for Jesus". And that's the truth. After the shock wore off, the peace that passes ALL understanding began to kick in. I'm not kidding, at all, we are SO O.K. I testified in church on Sunday that if our lives were wrapped up in that job then we could be devastated right now. But, it's not and were not, devastated, that is. We don't know exactly what our future holds as far as Steve's job situation BUT we do know who holds our future. He will NEVER fail us.

Please pray for the Fox family to find God's Perfect Will in this new chapter of our lives. Pray God will open that new door soon. Our God has got it all under control!!!!!

On a lighter note, Morgan has been testing this week. Home schoolers, depending on who you are registered with, have to test every couple of years. She so does not enjoy this at all. But, tis life. Today was her last day. She said she feels good about some of it but had some issues with other parts. It's not a pass or fail test. It's just suppose to help me see how she's doing. I'm sure she did fine.

Speaking of school...we are almost done for the year.....YAH!!!!!! I think Chandler and I have about 12 more lessons in his Algebra II book. That calls for a great big PRAISE THE LORD!!!!!

We've been in revival since Sunday morning with Bro. Jared. Tonight is the last night. I just love that man. He's 80 years old and has more energy that alot of younger people do. And soooooo positive. He encourages me just to listen to him talk. I pray that if the Lord tarries and I reach 80, I can have that kind of spunk. What a blessing he is.

Well, I guess I had alot to say since it has been a week. Thanks to those who read my blog and encourage me when it's been a while. I appreciate that.

Hope everyone enjoys this day. It's beautiful round these parts. Sunny and in the 70's.

**blessing for today - encouragement!


Sara said...

I'm glad ya updated! I'm praying for you guys!

Tam said...

Hey Sara,
I got your invite (from your mom) for your grad party. I'm hoping we can make it. I would love to see you in person.

Amanda Bull said...

I am praying for your family. I know everything is going to be fine.

I hope you get to come to Sara's party! I would love to see you!

Vicki Smith said...

Yay! She's back!
About 15 years ago we were renting the nicest house we'd ever lived in for $230 from an elderly couple who were in a nursing home. When the lady passed away the children decided to sell the house. Comparable houses rented for about $1000. I'll never forget the initial sinking feeling of, "What now?" One of our young women calmed all apprehension, however, when she approached me with her eyes sparkling and a great big smile on her face and enthusiastically proclaimed, "I can't WAIT to see what God does for you NOW!!!" She had no fear for our future, she was CERTAIN God had something even better in store for us. And He DID! God holds the future. Rest in His unchanging hand.
You're so right about Brother Jared. He's an amazing man! Ten years ago we were at their house in Oklahoma and he challenged Brother Smith to a game of basketball and Brother Jared won. He's VERY competitive! Brother Smith said, "I hope when I'm 70 I can play as good as Brother Jared. I can't do it now, but I hope I can by then!" ;-)
I love you. Thanks for returning to Blogland! I've missed you.

Tam said...

Sis. Smith,
My husband and I were just discussing our job situation and I said to him, "I'm excited to see what God has in store for us." We are so calm about this, which helps me know even that much more that God is so in control.

I asked Bro. Jared tonight what his secret was. How he could be almost 80 and have so much energy and spunk. He told me that he stays active. He mentioned playing basketball and riding his bike. And he said he has a positive outlook on life. He said he's a happy Christian. No gloom and doom around him. I just love that!

Kasey said...

three words. YAY YAY YAY

Pam said...

Tammy we will be praying for your family about the job situation. Also Brother Jared is a very sweet man, also Sister Jared is a very sweet lady. You are right about him being full of energy. He always loved playing basketball with my boys. We love him and Sister Jared so much. Tell them I said hello.

cokelady said...

Wow, what a neat place God has put you in! Sooooo often we say "I trust God," but they are just empty words when all is well. When the future seems to drop off into oblivion in front of us, then we get the chance to TRULY TRUST Him and let him prove Himself strong in our lives. There is a peculiar and exciting sensation about not knowing what God is going to do next--only a pleasant thing when you really DO trust Him. It's such a blessing to hear of the peace that God has given you in this uncertain time. "Tis so SWEET to trust in Jesus, just to take Him at His word; Just to REST upon His promise, just to KNOW 'Thus saith the Lord'!"

Netty said...
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