Wednesday, April 30, 2008

I haven't worked....

....out side the home that is, for about 16 years. Since we've had kids, they have been my job. I don't mean JOB in a bad way, at all. I've had the best job on the face of the earth and would not change my career for the world. The Lord has allowed me to do exactly what I always wanted to do. Being a wife and mother is my life long dream, so for that I am grateful. So, as far as working skills, unless you consider "mother" a skill, I don't really have much in way of a resume. But, one thing I can do is clean. I like to clean. So, on different occasions, I will be hired to clean someone's house. ***remembering that I clean my moms sometimes***. Anyway, I said all of that to lead up to this....

My mom called yesterday and asked if I would be interested in cleaning Tommy's shop. My brother owns a motorcycle shop here in Smyrna. He has had a cleaning lady but she stopped coming. She just stopped showing up. My mom called because she works at the shop doing the financing and stuff. Ya know, all the paperwork. She's actually gotten that place organized. ha!

Anyway, I said I would do it. It's extra spending money and with school almost out and soccer almost over, I will have some extra time. So, why not?! It will help Tommy and me.

I think it's suppose to be beautiful weather the rest of the week. That makes me want to plant some flowers. I think I might just do that.

I'm gonna go for now and have my morning devotion and get my day started.

blessing - my life!