Wednesday, August 27, 2008


I have not stopped today, seriously!

Last night Steve and I got our lesson finalized so I went to bed a happy camper.

My day started at 6:15. I was at the Y by 7:30...yes A.M. Is that commitment or just plain stupidity?! Anyhoo.....I have cleaned this house all day. Like really cleaned. You know how you do when your having company. You gotta do the whole clean sheets on the beds thing. I do love the smell and feel of clean sheets though!

I made Steve a "honey do" list this morning, like literally. Here's what it said:


fix the towel holder thingy in Morgan's bathroom

clean the trampoline (normally, I wouldn't ask him to do this but Autumn has little siblings and I know they are gonna want to jump.) Our trampoline had gotten so dirty. It would leave your feet black, filthy black for some reason. So, he got the hose pipe, the dish washing liquid and the big push broom and scrubbed that puppy down

take the dogs to his mothers. 12 people in a house with 2 dogs do not go together, especially when one of those dogs is named Dakota....enough said

move the school table out of Autumn's room so it's completely empty and ready for her

The only thing not completed is the table and he is gonna take it out to the garage after church.

Ahhhhh....thanks, honey....I really appreciate!!!!!

I also went to Wal-mart for some stuff. Ya gotta have stuff when guests are in your home. They should be getting here in the morning. I'm super excited! Autumn and I were talking today about having to be really careful hugging because it hurts her neck.

Gotta go. We are grilling out hamburgers and hot dogs tonight after service in honor of the Shaw family moving to pastor Portland. Steve has do the grilling so we gotta get our grill there.
