Friday, August 15, 2008

Lots done today

When you get up at 6:15am, you can get alot done by noon, which is what I did today. No, I did not get up that early just because. Lindsei is staying with us until Sunday. LaDonna was able to fly to New Mexico and spend some time with David so Linds is with us. Jacob is hanging out at the Mayberry house and Chelsei is with the Donnafields. I had to get Lindsei up today to be at school at 8:00. My kids had to be at tutorial today at 8:30 so goodbye to sleeping in. Wanna hear something great about Chandler being 16?! He can drive himself and Morgan to tutorial. WooHoo! I love that!!!!

After everyone was at their places, I started in on cleaning the house and doing laundry. I even decided to be the "good mom" today and cleaned my kids rooms up for them. I hope they appreciate that....I wonder if they even noticed? hmmmm?! I even dusted and ran the vacuum in their rooms.

Steve sat at the computer today about 6 hours, job searching. Oh yeah, he has an interview on Tuesday. YAH!!! He met with a recruiter yesterday, who happens to be a friend of his sisters. He was a really nice guy that had some great ideas for Steve's resume. So, that was one of the things he worked on today, "spicing up" his resume. Steve has a great work history and very specific things that he has been responsible for that this guy said needed to be seen on the resume. It makes it look more impressive, I guess. We shall see.

Tonight the Mayberry's are coming over to grill hamburgers and watch the Titans play. Lynn is making a peanut butter pie......mmmmmmm...can't wait for that!!!!

My parents are in New York right now. They are on a little mini-vacation. It's so funny when my dad, my 59 year old dad will text me to say "I'm standing at ground zero right now". It's just too funny for my dad to be texting. Ha!



Vicki Smith said...

I'm TOTALLY impressed that your dad an text! I've done it, but it's just not worth the effort--it takes me FOREVER!
Once my children were 12 or 13 (or maybe even earlier?) they had to clean their own rooms or they had to pay me. I remember once when Jon was at work when he was 16 or 17 and Becki snuck to the other room to phone him and frantically warn him, "Mom's heading to your room with a black trash bag, is there anything you want me to save?" HA! Jon had her give the phone to me and he BEGGED me not to clean, "PLEASE, Mom! PLEEEEEASE!!! PLEASE wait till I get home and I PROMISE I'll clean!!" I can't remember for sure, but I think I gave him one more chance before I started shoving stuff into the bag. :-) Yeah, I was one TOUGH Momma! Still am, actually. Gotta keep 'em on their toes! ;-)

The Guy said...

Tammy! I've been reading your blog since I found it through Vicki Bly. I wish I had known your parents were up here! I would have loved to see them!!!
I hope all is well!