Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Autumn and Gene

Autumn first.... she had a very rough night and day today. She has been in tons of pain. One of the times I talked with her, I prayed with her over the phone and after that she seemed to get some better. Thank the Lord! I spoke with her mom, Mitzi, right before I left for church tonight and she said the pain was better. Autumn was out walking in the halls. She is having to stay one more night in the hospital because she had such a bad day. The plan is for her to go home tomorrow. Hopefully, the worst part is behind her and it will only get better from here.

It is SO hard to understand her when she talks. I'm sure she is really swollen. Autumn is not a quiet person usually, but I can barely hear her. Sometimes her words just jumble together. Bless her heart! Please keep praying for a speedy recovery!!!!

Next....Gene....this is Lynn's husband. HE JOINED THE CHURCH TONIGHT!!!!!!!! Yeah! We have been praying for this for years. Lynn was so surprised. She didn't know he was going to join tonight. She cried and cried and cried....tears of joy!!! Since Sunday will be mom & dad's last official Sunday, Gene really wanted daddy to take him in to the church so tonight was the night. It was wonderful. God is so good. It may take a while for some things to happen, but keep praying....He is a rewarder of those that diligently seek Him!!!!!!!



Beth said...

Sis. Tammy this is Sis. Beth Bradley from Arkansas. I just wanted to share that we had a special prayer last night at church for Autumn so let her know that people all over are lifting her up in prayer.

Pam said...

Tammy we also had prayer for Autumn last night at church. Let her know that we are praying and we love her.