Sunday, August 10, 2008


We are home from an AWESOME Assembly. I'm sure everyone has heard by now but my dad was appointed as Regional Overseer of Georgia & Florida. So, that means for the first time in my 40 years of living, I will not be in the same town or the same local church as my parents. It was rather funny today because right after the appointment was made, I can't tell you how many people came over to "check on me". It's funny but also very sweet. I'm not the one leaving, my parents are, but everyone wanted to make sure I was alright. So, do you want to know if I'm alright, or not???

YEP! I'm alright. Am I gonna have my moments of sadness? Well, of course....I already have and expect to have more. But, I do have a great peace about this. It's going to be VERY different but I have told many...."this has to be God, cause I'm not a basket case".

I'm very close to my parents and we have a very close family but if this is God's Will, and I'm sure it is...they have to go. My dad said he would be afraid not too.

So, please pray for us during this next month of change. There are many emotions and feelings going on in our family right now but, ALL things work together for our good!!!!

Our goal and aim in this life is to make Heaven, and if we are faithful to Him we will get to hear Him say "Well done". My daddy has always said...."to hear Him say well gotta do well", right daddy?


Vic said...

I would have to say the Assembly was indescribable...And this appointment was the most shocking of all...For them to sell all and go, means God will go before them and prepare the way!!!!!!!! I am more excited about the future of The Church of God than ever...Bro Smith has done an outstanding job heading us in right direction...

emily said...

this post gives me happy tears ^^

Yvonne said...

GOD is so good . I know he will keep us all in his loving care and will do mighty things in our obedience to him. praise God .

Tammy Washburn said...

It's all Erika's fault....(just kidding). Since she can't move to TN....God moved TN to her ;) :)

I love your parents and can see that they are definitely willing to follow the Lord.