Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Headache free

I haven't had that headache at all today. Thank the Lord and thank you if you prayed for me.

A quick update on Autumn and her family. They left this morning around 10. About 250 miles or so into the trip, their van started leaking oil really bad. They stopped to have it checked and there was a really big Ford dealership place that was able to fit them in today. A couple of hours later, I got a text saying that the van had been fixed and they were back on the road. They are driving until 7 tonight and then hitting the road again in the morning.

O.K...... school so far, this being only the 2nd week hasn't been bad at all EXCEPT for Chandler's math. Well, not all of his math, just the geometry. YUCK!!!!! He has had Algebra I and Algebra II and is now in Advanced Math which has the Geometry in with it. Not fun....not fun at all! Did I say it was not fun at all???!!! What Lynn and I have decided to do is let the boys do the math part each day and one day a week, we are gonna get together and just do the geometry. Lynn is better at math than I am so putting our two heads together and only doing Geometry one day a week will hopefully not cause me or Chandler to claw our eyeballs out!!!ha! Seriously, it's like looking at Greek, some of that stuff. Anyway, we will make it through with the Lord's help. Back when we started Algebra I, I thought there would be no way I could do it...but....I did. And then, Algebra II. Actually Algebra II was not as hard as Algebra I because we had the basic concepts from Algebra I.

Tonight Steve and I are gonna finalize the class we will be teaching at Family Camp. We have the inspiration, just got to put in all down on paper. I want to be completely finished by the time the Thompson's get here. So, tonight, that is my goal. If I can go to bed with that all finished....I'm good!

That's all for now


Vicki Smith said...

I wish I could say some encouraging words concerning your Geometry woes. But I can't. I didn't like Algebra I or II when I was in school and I absolutely HATED Geometry. Math was never my favorite subject and I just could NOT "get" geometry. I graduated as a member of National Honor Society but it was in spite of my geometry grade. How's that for encouraging words? HA! The encouraging part of it is, since graduating I've never had to do geometry again and I've had a happy life. :-D

crystal said...

Think of Geometry as a puzzle...thts all it is really..I have some really cool study charts for math if u would like to use them....they help u remember the important stuff like rules and formulas and give step by step for study...I have Geomtry 1 and 2 and also Algebra 1 and 2 and about fun just wait it gets better...I will bring them to church tonight and u can see if they help...