Thursday, August 14, 2008


My husband is at this very moment meeting with a recruiter. That's one of those people that find jobs suited just for you. It makes it easier on the company doing the hiring. They don't have to interview 100 people before they find the right one. They get a recruiter to do all their work for them. So, we shall see. Steve got a call on Tuesday and another yesterday about jobs, so again, we shall see. God knows.......

Today Morgan has an appointment for a sports physical. They require them for school teams so we gotta get that done. Chandler has to go this morning at 10 to meet at the Nissan fire station to learn about fire safety for his Chemistry class at tutorial.

Boy of Boy, I am SO THANKFUL that the Lord has allowed our family to home school. This is the first week of public schools and I've already been told by someone at our local church that they witnessed a drug deal and another shared that there are 3 girls already pregnant that are in the 8th grade. OH MY GOODNESS!!!!!!!!!! I want to remember on those days when I'm about to pull my hair out or at least pull out the hair of one of my children (those of you that home school know exactly what I'm talking about....and if you don't...hang will...HA) how blessed I am to have my kids at home. Shew!!!!!

gotta go get Morgan up to get her to that appointment



Vicki Smith said...

Homeschooling is SO MUCH more acceptable today than it was back when we started. But I came to the conclusion that as long as my children could read, write and do basic math, even if they didn't advance any further academically, I wanted them to be spiritually healthy, fit and prosperous and living a life that would lead them to eternal life. I didn't care what anybody else thought of their "education." I ONLY cared what the Lord thought of their hearts. 2 Peter 1:5 says, "And beside this, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue; and to virtue knowledge." The world around us thinks knowledge is the most important thing. Scripture teaches that FAITH and VIRTUE are to be learned first, THEN knowledge. Our country wouldn't be in the mess it is currently in if we'd have kept our priorities in order like they were when America was founded. Our founding fathers were aware that faith are virtue are the more important qualities and when public school were first introduced here, the Bible was the textbook. My, how things have changed! --Having said all that, I well remember those days when I wanted to hurt somebody over the frustrations of homeschooling! HA! Becki could tell you some stories. :-) I've reminded her of a couple of them (and laughed at her!) as she is now the mom trying to homeschool her children! I just have to crack up that she gets SO FRUSTRATED with her kids when they're doing the very things SHE did as a child! LOL! It gives me some sort of pleasure. *tee hee*

Kasey said...

I hope bro Steve's job thing went well. God knows. :) love you