Thursday, June 5, 2008


This is my beautiful nephew, Tristan. He's ALL boy. He's staying with us today for a while. Deb (my sister-in-law) called and needed to go run an errand. She wasn't sure how long she would be gone, so she left Tristan with us. He's such a doll....too bad he looks just like my brother....HA!

Today is a rather laid back day. I still have my P.J.'s on and it's 1:37 in the afternoon. Doesn't that sound terrific? I've been doing house stuff. I'm gonna go run later. Morgan has her last soccer practice for the season this afternoon and then on Saturday will be her last game.

Chandler had another golf tournament today, so he and Steve are there, out in this hot sun....shew! Speaking of Chandler, he did a really good devotion last night in the VLB service. It was on priorities. He had a visual to illustrate his point. You may have seen this done before but I will share...He had 2 jars. One was filled with rice, representing OUR "wants" and "desires." Then he had golf balls representing the Lord's desires for us and the time we give to Him. He tried putting the golf balls in after the jar was full of the rice and they would not fit. The meaning behind this was if we are so full of "us" then we will not have room for the Lord.

Next he took the golf balls (the Lords desires and will) and placed them in the empty jar and then poured the rice (us) in and around the golf balls and it all fit.

His point was....if we seek the Lord and His will first and are filled with Him (golf balls) then our wants will conform to the Lords will and it will all fit. It has to be the Lord first, not us first and God gets our leftovers. It never works that way.

I hope I explained that in a way that you guys get it. Anyway, it was good. He used the scripture about having no other gods before me. He gave the example of how he likes to play golf but if he chose to play on Sunday mornings or Sunday evenings, then that could become a god to him.

Chandler is much more quiet than Morgan. She's my open book and I never have to guess what's going on with her. It blessed me for Chandler to do this devotion. He told me on Tuesday that he was doing devotion and that he knew what he wanted to do it on. I asked him if he wanted me to type it out for him and he said "I can do it". When he was working on it, and I would walk into the room, he would cover the screen on the computer and say, "don't read it".

Like I said, he's much more private than Morgan, and that's O.K. as long as I know he's talking to the Lord, and clearly he is.

blessing - all of the small blessings that we easily take for granted.


Morgan said...

tristan is such a cutie!!

Vicki Smith said...

I've used that illustration numerous times, but I've always used walnuts. Golf balls are much more "manly." :-) Either way, it perfectly illustrates truth.

Kasey said...

Tristan is soo cute! And you are so right about Mo and Cha. Course you would be, your their momma! The only time Chandler is more outspoken is when it comes to one of his teams, and defending their honor! lol.