Sunday, March 29, 2009

Great weekend

The guys left for mens retreat Friday around 7:00pm. Josh rode with Steve and Cha. As soon as they left, I headed to meet momma, Rick, Les, Rachel, Rex and Bradley for dinner. I was late. I was suppose to be there at 6:30 but Steve wasn't home from work yet and I really wanted to tell him goodbye before he left for the weekend, so I did.

Momma came straight home from there to stay the weekend. Lady, her dog, too. Our 3 girl weekend turned into a 2 girl weekend for the first night. Morgan had ditched us. She spent the night at Emily's. My mom and I just hung out and talked. Not for long though, because neither one of us are night owls. So much for party animals. We are boring. haha!

Saturday morning, she got up before I did and already had the coffee made. We talked some more. Just about this and that and the other. I love talking with my mom. Oh wait......I forgot.....

Steve texted me about 11:30 Friday night from the retreat. I know most everyone knows this already but he texted me to let me know that Matt Zimmerman had received the Holy Ghost. I was SO excited. Thank you, Jesus!

Let's see, where was I?... oh yeah, after my mom & talked for quite sometime Saturday morning, she went to her house to get a few things done. I really didn't do a whole lot. It was rather nice. Around 4ish I went to clean the church. Thanks to Morgan and Crystal for their help.

When I left the church, I called my mom (she wanted me to let her know when I was finished cleaning) so she could come back to the house. She stopped at the store to get eggs and whole wheat flour. I made whole wheat banana/nut pancakes for us. They were SO good. I'm not kidding you. If you are a pancake eater and like bananas and nuts, make them. They were so good that my mom and I had 3 each. Morgan was at Emily's again. She didn't stay the night but she wasn't home to have the pancakes. Later, mom and I went and picked her up and brought her home. I was telling her about the pancakes and she said they sounded good. I had some of the batter left so she had one for breakfast this morning and loved them too. She said she liked them as much as the chocolate chip pancakes.

Last night at 10 pm, my mom gets this idea of breaking out old home video. So, we did. And, we watched them until 1:15am. Time flies and you realize it when you look at old videos of your kids. It breaks my heart to see them growing up so fast. We had the best time watching those. We could have kept watching them but we had to get up this morning for church. I was ministering in Columbia so we had to just stop. We could have watched them all night, I do believe. My babies were so precious. Of course, what mother doesn't think that, right?

We headed to Columbia for church this morning. We had service in the home of Bro. & Sis. Scroggins. It was wonderful. Being in someone's home worshipping the Lord is just so personal and special. Laura taught Sunday School. It was great. From our opening prayer, we could really feel such a sweet spirit. I ministered on the subject....Desire+Action=Victory!

The reason we were in their home is because Bro. Scroggins was in an accident on Thursday. He was hit by a car. He was banged up pretty good but the Lord was truly with him. It could have been much worse. Please say a special prayer for his recovery.

After church, Sis.Scroggins insisted that we stay for lunch. Laura had brought them dinner and I had made a pie. Her daughter was there helping out and had made a pot of chicken n dumplings. She would not hear of us leaving and going somewhere to eat. So we enjoyed a very nice lunch together.

Now, I'm back home, so tired, and my men just walked in the door from retreat. How come when the word "retreat" is involved you are exhausted?! ha! I thought retreat meant rest. Any ladies retreat I've ever been too, and I've been to a ton, I always come home needing rest. But, of course, the tiredness is always worth the blessings you receive.

Steve hasn't been home 10 minutes and he's now got to go cut my Nanny's yard. Bradley use to do it for her but since the accident, Steve has taken over the responsibility. And, since he 's been gone all weekend, this is the only opportunity. He's exhausted!

So, that's the rundown of the weekend for me. It's been nice! Being with my mom has been wonderful. We laugh like no other. Seriously, we have such laughter when we are together. I love it!