Sunday, March 22, 2009

Needing a nap

Shew! What a whirl wind of a weekend. A great weekend, but a tiring one.

Yesterday morning started at 5:15am. We (myself, Morgan & Lindsei) left the house and arrived to pick Les up at about 6:35 (or somewhere there bouts). And, off to Cleveland we headed. Chandler had gone down Friday night with Keith. It's not a bad drive at all, really. We got there just in time for the first session to begin. It was great. Antioch youth did an awesome skit. They were spread out all throughout the sanctuary. Chandler was "the runner". Each of the youth had a sign on them. Some of the words were "hatred", "lying" and such as that. Then there were some of them that had " Jesus" on their sign. The sign Chandler was wearing said, "determined". He had to run past each one and the "ugly" words were trying to hinder his progress. They would stand in front of him and try to block him. Then along the way, there were those that were encouraging him and and pushing him to continue running. Toward the end, he even got so tired that he almost fell but Morgan (one of the encouraging ones), helped him up and encouraged him to continue. At the end, Jesus was standing there with a crown for Chandler. It was really good. It blessed me.

Shanna Weeks brought the message. GREAT! Boy, she did a good job! The Lord really used her.

At lunch, a big group of us went to O'Charley's. It was nice fellowship. Sitting there at the table, I told Chels, "I love The Church of God." And, I really, really do! I'm SO humbled and grateful that my children are being raised right smack in the middle of the truth. Thank God for His Grace and Mercy in my life and my family.

The afternoon session was just as wonderful. The Zion Hill youth did their skit and it was great as well. Then, Kim preached. Her message blessed me too. I SO love how she is just open and honest. She shares from her heart and that is what people can relate too. A true blessing.

We had a camp staff meeting after the convention was over. It was a very productive meeting. I think my responsibility this year is gonna be something that in all my years of camp, I have never done. It should be tons of fun. I'm looking forward to it. Wondering what it is? Kim asked me to do "Funtime." If you guys out there that have been in camp before and remember Funtime, toss me some ideas. I'd love to read them.

We headed back home around 5:30. The kids, not just mine, all the youth wanted to stay around and play volleyball. So, us adults had to cram in my car so that we could leave Jeff and Laura's car for them to bring home., Jeff, Laura, Les and Lindsei packed in my car and came home. Lindsei didn't want to stay, she was tired and ready to be home. I can't say that I blame her. Then, a little while later.....Josh, Andrea, Chels, Chandler and Morgan made it back home. AH! To be young again, and never get tired. How DO they do it? ! After that kind of a weekend, they had to be at the church this morning at 7:30 to work the pancake breakfast. They did it. I'm oh so proud of them. And, now, right now, they are at the park playing volleyball again. My goodness....their energy is endless.

I, on the other hand, as my title says....NEED A NAP! That has become my Sunday afternoon ritual. I know for at least the past 2 Sundays, I have taken a nap. I'm talkin in the bed, under the covers with my fan roaring kinda nap. You gotta love it. It's such a beautiful day though. Should I waste it with a nap?.....YEP, I think so. haha!

We will be on Spring break all week. Yippee!


emilynn said...

I'm SO glad you posted about antioch's skit!
i wasnt there, and wanted to hear about it.

hope you got a GREAT nap. =]

LaDonna said...

Sounds like it was a great youth convention. Thanks for taking Lindz to the convention. I really appreciate you allowing her to stay with you.