Thursday, March 5, 2009


My phone rang this morning.......


"get up.....I'm on my way for coffee"

It was my mom.  She said...."did you get my text?"  "Uh.....NO....I'm not even up yet."

" spontaneous.......start the coffee."     "O.K"

She must have been only about 1/2 mile away from my house cause very shortly she comes walking thru my front door.  She and my dad  both have keys to my house.

She had her coffee cup in her hand.  She filled her cup, I filled my cup, she sat on the chair, I sat on the loveseat and we were there for the next 2 hours.   I loved it!  Seriously, I cannot explain how grateful and thankful for the relationship she and I share.  It goes beyond words.  There is this bond that we have that I wouldn't trade for the world.  And, the precious thing to me is that my daughter and I have that same bond.  

I look to my mother for advice.  And, the cool thing is, the really cool thing is.....she looks to me for advice as well.  Ah!!!! 

It was a super nice way to start my day.  Before she left, she went upstairs, opened Chandler's bedroom door and literally jumped in the bed with him.  She's crazy!  haha!  Then, she headed down the hall to Morgan's room.  She started to go in and do the same thing and I said...."momma....kaite lynn is in there with her".  Momma said....."oh".....I don't care, I'm goin in anyway.  And she did!  She can just be so fun.  And at almost 60!....I want to be fun when I'm 60.  I don't think my mom "acts" almost 60.  It's a good thing cause I wouldn't let her.  haha!  Age is just a  number and I refuse to "act" old.  

Lets see.....

I had planned on taking Chandler to the doctor today.  His throat has been really sore for several days now.  I made the appointment for 2:20.  That was the soonest they could see us.  We wanted to rule out strep throat.  Well, thank the Lord, he got to feeling much better so I cancelled the appointment and he even went ahead and went to soccer practice.  He's not home yet so I'm curious to see how he's feeling now.

I talked about starting my Spring cleaning soon.  I think tomorrow is gonna be that day.  I can't really go anywhere until later in the day because I don't have my car.  It's in the shop due to the nice crunch Cha gave it the other day.  So, what better time to start that cleaning.  

**Cha just got home.....let's see how he feels......

His exact words...."other than my throat being sore, I'm perfectly fine" On a scale from 1 to 10, the worst being 10, he said it was a 5 or 6.    Please pray for the sore throat to be gone. 

So, that's my post for today.....


Momma Tammi said...

What a great way to start your day. I haven't lived close enough for my Mom and I to have mornings like that for a very long time. It is nice to hear how much you cherish those moments.

LaDonna said...
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LaDonna said...

I miss spending time with my mom, but even now, just sitting with her holding her hand even though she doesn't know I'm there, it blesses my heart.

Autumn said...

I didn't even make this post and you talked to me for the first time in 10 years today! hmph!! I ignored you!

*another note*
My mom and I share the EXACT same closeness!!! nothing can compare to it!! I love it! it breaks my heart for girls that don't have that.. I hope and pray I'll be just like my mom!

Vicki Smith said...

When I grow up I want to be just like my grandma--she's 92 and a HOOT! My other grandma lived to 90 and she, too, was a riot. Great sense of humor and never did "act their age." I want to ever be curious and anxious to learn something new. My great-grandfather lived to be 99. When he was 88 he, his daughter (my grandmother) my mother and my sister Gerri Kay and I went on a tour of Europe. Pop was at the front of the tour and always asking questions and gleaning more knowledge. I thought, "I want to be like that!" I, too, have a great heritage and I want to pass it on to my grandchildren.

Vicki Smith said...

P.S. - Tell your Mom to quit jumping on people's beds to wake them up and go home and BLOG!

Amanda Bull said...

I can totally see your mom doing that!