Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Spring cleaning....Part Two

Nope, I'm still not finished. But, I'm getting closer. Ah! i love it. I absolutley LOVE clean.

One of the things accomplished today was Morgan's closet. Shew!!!!! That child had some stuff. And, that's exactly all that it was ...STUFF! She helped me, with her closet. If I had my way, more stuff would have been thrown out but she insisted on keeping some of it. It does look much better, I must say. Off the subject of cleaning for a second. Morgan came to me about 2 hours ago and said she was bored. What could she do?! She came up with the idea of drawing. She loves to draw and is rather good at it. So, here's what she decided. She got a blanket, her colored pencils, paper, her phone (of course) and Dakota (her dog) and went to the front yard. She has been there ever since, at least 2 hours, drawing our house. Yep, looking at our house and drawing it. I'm really anxious to see it. If she will let me, I'll take a picture of it to post.

Back to my cleaning! I cleaned the bonus room. Morgan's bathroom and the hallway. When I say hallway, I mean scrubbing the baseboards and such. The only thing I really have left is the laundry room, the guest bedroom and Chandler's room. Now, that (Cha's) will be a job. His closet needs some serious help. After it's all done, I should celebrate. Hmmm,,,what should I do for myself. haha!

I want to have my carpets professionally cleaned. I'm thinking April for that.

After I get the inside of the house finished, it will be time to do the outside. But, after today, the weather is suppose to cool off again. Bummer! I'm not working in the yard when I have to wear a coat. No sir-ee! Gotta be warm for this sista to work outside. We need to seal our driveway and sidewalk this year.

Well, gotta go clean some more. Not much more for today!

Morgan said I could post her drawing!


Dandy Andy said...

when you're finished, it will definitely be something to celebrate!
my suggestion is get out of the house to celebrate though, otherwise you'll be too careful to keep everything clean and feel the need to clean after whatever you do so just save yourself from that stress and go out! haha
thank you for your comment, it made me tear up a little =)
love you!

Autumn said...

very nice sissy!!!

wemmies said...

Looks like crosses on the windows. Cool.

Erika J. said...

cute pic mo!