Thursday, April 23, 2009

would rather be outside

I wanna be outside. It's gonna be 80 degrees today. WHOOOOOOO!!! Now, that's more like it. I wanna work in my yard. Dig weeds, plant flowers, that kinda stuff. Steve and I are gonna put our mulch out this weekend. I can't wait. We love that kinda work.

Last night was our first "workshop" of Youth Emphasis Week. But, first let me back up one more day to Tuesday. We had Ladies Prayer Meeting at the church. Just came together to pray. LOVE IT! It was great. Our WMB leader (Les) has asked for us to come together the 3rd Tuesday of each month for prayer. I think that's great. Just what we need.

So, last night, LaDonna spoke. She did a great job. It was very informal and our young people really opened up. The focus of the night was about each of us being "treasurers". That we each have things about us that the Lord can use for HIs Glory and Honor. She passed out this worksheet that had questions such as:
1) What do you feel is your greatest strength?
2) What do you feel is your greatest weekness?
3)Describe yourself in 3 words.
4) If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

It really opened up for some great discussion. The young people shared from their heart. The Lord opened the door for them to share things about themselves that they probably wouldn't otherwise share. It was just really awesome and I really enjoyed it. I think it would be very beneficial for our young people to have more opportunities like this.

Tonight, my hubby is the speaker. His topic is Unity. I'm looking forward to it as well.

Friday night Kim is the speaker. I can't remember her topic. But, I know she will do great, she always does.

Saturday, the young people are going hiking. That sort of thing is right up their alley. We have such great youth leaders. Galen & Amy truly have the heart for this.

I'm gonna get off here so I can be productive. I'm gonna go flower shopping and play in my yard.

have a great one!