Monday, April 20, 2009

Sunday & Monday

What a super great Sunday it was. Several of our youth sang the song "Just Because" and boy did the Spirit of the Lord move in. His sweet spirit overwhelemed me! I was just SO humbled in His presence. The entire service was worship and praise to the Lord. Like a breath of fresh air, you might say. SO uplifting!!!

Then Sunday night, Bro Sutton preached such a good message on "being real". With every fiber of my being that is what I want to be. Not real in my own eyes (that could be decieving) but real before the Lord. Bro. Sutton said being real means being real when noone else is around. More and more I'm desiring to set my affection on things above NOT on things on the earth. Eternal matters is what matters!!! Oh, I want to get it right!

After church Lynn, Katie and Momma came over to the house and we watched a sad movie. Mo went home with Katie and Momma and Lady crashed here at the house, which meant this morning was our usual "coffee and talk." We seem to do that so well when we are together. I've gotten use to her being here when Daddy travels without her. Most of the time she is with him. 99.9% of the time she is with him but this time 2 brothers went with him to the lower part of Flordia to organize The Church there. Praise the Lord for what He is doing in Flordia and all over for His Sheep!

Today has been a great day too. I have just felt the Lord in a special way through out this day. Talking with Him is one of my most favorite things to do. You just can't do it too much!

I did some house cleaning (never ending) and some laundry (never ending). Went to the grocery store. Fixed baked potatos (sweet potato for me), baked Salmon, green beans and rolls. It was oh so yummy.

I checked some of Chandler's work that I needed to check. (**note to self***I really should stay on top of that better) I got his Government & Economics checked and his BTI course checked. He's doing the BTI lessons for his Bible class.

So, now I'm tired. It's only 9:07 and yep, I'm tired.

I thank the Lord for another day. Daily He loadth me with benefits!!!!!