Friday, April 10, 2009

Great Friday

Today is Good Friday. To me, it's Great Friday. It's Great because of what Jesus did for me. I don't ever want to forget or take for granted how He suffered and died so that I could live. It's an honor and privilege to live a life for the Lord. It's a "GREAT" life. A life of peace! We were watching this documentary the other night on exactly what happens to a body when it is being crucified. They were talking about what all happen to Jesus. I made the comment to my family..."How could you NOT live for Him, after what He did for us?"

It's hard for me to comprehend a life without the Lord. Actually, I don't want to comprehend it. By His Grace and Mercy, I never will. I love the Lord! I love to live for Him! I desire to please Him!

So, Steve is off of work today for the Easter weekend. Our plan was to get our mulch out. But, don't think that's gonna happen. It's suppose to rain really hard today. I'm kinda bummed about that. It would have been a perfect day to work in the yard with him being home. Oh well.....

This is gonna be a good weekend. Tomorrow we are having a cookout and Easter egg hunt at the church. Just good ole fellowship. I love it. At six that night, I will be a t Chuck E Cheese. My nephew is turning 3 years old.

After church Sunday, the family is coming to our house. We are celebrating Easter and birthday's. My dad 's birthday was Wednesday. He turned 60. WOW! Thank the Lord! Rick's birthday is the 16th and Tommy's birthday is the 22nd. So, we are hitting them all at once. Also, my grandparents anniversary is this month. So, we are just having a hang out here at the house.

I'm looking forward to all the stuff going on this weekend. I think I might get out my Easter decorations today. I haven't done that and with everyone coming over, I think I want it to look Eastery. hehe!

I hope everyone truly enjoys this Easter. Remember what Jesus did for us! Le't s celebrate HIM!


Netty said...

So neat!

Tammy Washburn said...

Ya'll okay up there? I know the weather is bad today.

Anonymous said...

Sis Tammy - yes, we are all o.k. It was scary for a while though. Leslei (Moncrief) and Kim (Taylor) live in the same neighborhood and they got it bad. Their homes were fine but some around them were completely leveled. Thank the Lord for keeping us all safe.

Tam said...

That last comment was me, not Morgan.

Tammy Washburn said...

Praise God!!