Tuesday, April 7, 2009

4 hours

For a while now, LaDonna and I have talked about having coffee together. Over the years, when we have been able to, we sit and have coffee and talk. You know, just catch up and stuff. She and I go wwwwwwaaaaaaayyyyyyy back. We have been friends, very good friend, best friends since we were younger than our kids. We've grown up together and now our kids are growing up together. I just love that!!!

Last week, we decided that we would get together today for that coffee date. Sunday at church, she asked if I wanted to not only have coffee but breakfast at IHop. Well....YEAH! Pancakes....of course!

We met there at 9 this morning and I got in my car to come home at 1. Yep, 4 straight hours. That's what we do. We both have busy lives. But, when we finally can get together we can talk and talk and talk. And, what I love about it is it's as if we talk every single day. That's true friendship. I love her dearly. Man, do we have some memories. It was great. We talked about old stuff, current stuff and future stuff. Well, the future of our kids. ha!

I SO enjoyed it. By the time we finally left, it was time for lunch. HA!

I love ya, LaDonna!


Anonymous said...

well, this is just an adorable post. i love you both. =D