Friday, April 17, 2009

get er done!

Today has been productive. I just love productive days!

First, I'm LOVIN this weather. Today is a true Spring day. So much so that right this very minute, the heat is off (of course) and my windows are raised and the celling fans are roaring. AH! gotta love that! I think it's about 73 today. And that sun is just a shining. Perfect! Thank you, Lord for this beautiful day.

The kids just left for Chandler's soccer game. I didn't make today's game because of Vic's 50th birthday party. It starts at 6 and if I had gone to the game, I would have had to leave early anyway. I'm excited for her party. Some friends from way back in the day will be there (i think). I'm super excited! Should be fun!

Backing up to my productive day. This morning, I got my hair cut or as my hubby says...."I got them ALL cut." He says that every single time he get his cut and someone says to him..."did you get your hair cut" and he says EVERY TIME...."No, I got them ALL cut".....goofball!

From the hair cut, I went to the Y and ran 3 miles. Let's see....from there I went to make the church deposit. From there, I went to Dollar General and then home.

I've been doing some house cleaning and laundry. Is it just me or does anyone else have laundry that seems to grow? It just seems to multiply. It's never ending.

I had to write a skit for Children's Church for this Sunday. The Fox's are teaching and we are having puppet skits all quarter for our Bible lessons. When I sat down at the computer, I simply prayed...."Lord, anoint me to write this". And, that He did. I had my general idea but the Lord gave it to me very quickly. I love when that happens. The title is "It's all about "ME".

So, now I'm sitting here with Morgan's laptop posting. I need to take a shower and get ready for the PPPAAARRRTTTAAA!
****I just heard my children's voices saying....."MOM...DO NOT SAY PPPPPAAAAARRRRRRRTTTTTAAAAA....You are way to old to talk like that.****LOL!!!!

But, they are not here so PPPPPPPPAAAAAAARRRRRRRRTTTTTTTTAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tomorrow I'm heading to Cleveland for Ladies Day. I have a car full. My mom, Chels, Morgan, and Chandler. Yep, Chandler! No, he's not a Lady but he has a friend in Cleveland that he's going to visit. It's gonna be a great day. I just know it. The Lord and the Ladies......can't beat it, right?

hope every one has a super duper weekend!


Vicki Smith said...

Your new template is so pretty and fresh! And daisies are my FAVORITE flower!
Your laundry is not the only laundry that multiplies. *deep sigh* I've been ironing and steaming (with my NEW garment steamer, which I LOVE!) all afternoon. Well, except for the part of the afternoon where I went and sat out by the pond in this gloriously PERFECT weather!!!
See you tomorrow! Drive careful.