Saturday, April 18, 2009

SO SO SO SO tired....did I say....SO tired?

I told my husband tonight that I didn't know how it did it everyday. Get up at 5:30am....every morning. I guess it's what your body gets use too. My body is not use to it at all. Of course, it didn't help that I didn't go to bed until 11:30 last night. I was at Kim's for Vicky's birthday party and we sat around and talked until 11:00. Imagine that talking? NO!....YES!!!!! It was fun!

But, today sitting at Ladies Day, after lunch, I was struggling. I was SO tired. That's not good. I know better. I knew I was gonna be at Ladies Day today, yet, I stayed up late anyway. Silly me. Although, I was tired, I really enjoyed Ladies Day. It was very encouraging and uplifting. I was blessed by everything but Sis. Jackie Zimmerman's message really spoke to me. Especially the part at the end.

Our theme today was about the Joy of the Lord. At the end of her message she spoke on "things" the enemy will use to try and rob our joy. One thing she mentioned was our time. When we get so busy doing stuff, even stuff for the Lord that we neglect what is most important, that being, our personal relationship with Him, we can loose our joy. Think about it, haven't you ever just been SO busy that you don't give Him the time you need to give Him? We let our priorities get all out of wack. Am I the only one that has done this?! When we have to schedule the Lord into our day, something needs to give. He should be first, even if other things go by the way side. She encouraged us that if something needs to be neglected, it should be the things that will not benefit us eternally. I agree!

I was really blessed by this. At the end of her message, we spent time at the alter. That's exactly where we can and will keep our priorities where they should be.

So, now I'm back home in the bed and it's only 7:51. I love that! I need a good night sleep. I'm one that needs at least 8 hours a night. Not want....NEED! I do not do well on little sleep.

that's all
good nite!


Viv said...

I'm with ya...had a blast at Vic's party...was a great Ladies Day...but I was soooo tired. Then I didn't go to sleep until 2:00 this morning cause of fixing my blog so you and others could stop posting to me "blog"!'s done now!

Erika J. said...

ahh, i misssssssss yooooooooou!