Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Quite chilly

October 1st. I love this month! It for sure feels like Fall. I love it! It got down to 46 degress last night (so the weather people say). I love that crisp feeling in the air. Makes me happy!

Last night at Morgan's soccer game, I actually needed and wore a hoody. YAH! I love it when it's just chilly enough for a hoody but not so cold that you need an all out coat. And with a cup of coffee in your hand, it makes it that much better.

Today, well, I'll be taking Morgan over to Lynn's at 10:30 to go to her Spanish class. Chandler ususally takes her for me but he is with my dad today, helping him do some things. I love it when Cha spends time with my dad. Just love it! After dropping Morgan off, I will head to the Y. I'm not running, thanks to the pinky toe issue but I can do the elliptical machine.

I need to grab some things from Wal-mart.

And then at 3:00, Morgan has an ortho. appoint. She has had her braces off for several months now and has been wearing her night guard but recently she has gotten this gap between two of her teeth that is absolutley driving her nuts. She had me call the orthodontist and make an appointment so we could check it out. She says she should not already be getting a gap after having braces on for two years. ***just a side note - it's not a big gap at all, but to her it is HUGE***

I also love the month of October because I love the months that my children were born. Morgan will be 14 on October 7 at 4:04pm. My baby....14...Oh my goodness!!!!

Have a great day ya'll


Pam said...

My son Joshua will be 17 on October 7th. Wow the children just grow up so fast. It is even hard to believe that I have a 21 year old.