Sunday, October 19, 2008

4...count them....4

Steve and I were talking on the way to church this morning. Jesus answered 4 of our prayers this week, just this week. God is good, SO good, ALL the time.

Today, the Fox family ministered in Children's Church. Oh yeah, that reminds me, I didn't get those pictures taken of how we decorated the "areas" for Children's church. I will have to do that.

Anyway there are 4 families that each take a Sunday to minister and today was ours. This quarter the them is on Noah. The first week the Mayberry family taught about obedience. Last week, the Funderburk family taught on faith. This week, the Fox family taught on patience (how fitting, right?....ha!..... we know just a little bit about having to wait on something). When we got to the message part, I had Autumn go on and on about waiting for something that I had promised to give to her. She kept saying things like..."I know Tammy told me to wait, and I trust her but this is so hard". "She told me it would be worth my wait". She prayed and waited and waited and waited (she really hammed it up good about needing patience and knowing it would pay off). After a while, I walked in with a big pink fluffy stuffed puppy dog. Her favorite color is pink and I rewarded her for her patience.

I then talked about Noah and the patience he had to have waiting for the rain to come. He knew God said it was coming and he built the ark exactly the way God instructed and waited for the rain. I had the kids close their eyes and pretend they were Noah and that they were waiting on what God said that He was going to send. As they had their little eyes closed, I took a squirt bottle and squirted water all over them. They were not expecting it and got such a kick out of it.

I shared about how our family waited for 5 months for God to send the job that He had picked for us. It was the cutest thing. As I was sharing about it, Sloan Lowery spoke up and said "me and my PaPa prayed for Steve when he was going on that interview". It was so precious! And, what a faith booster to him to know that he prayed and God answered!!!!!

I could tell more since it 's been a few days, but I think I want to take a nap before we head back to church. So, until next time......