Saturday, May 2, 2009


That's what time my alarm went off this morning. Les and Kim were here to pick me up at about 5:15. We headed to Peggy's to get her and Vic. Then, we all headed to Michie, Tennesseee for Ladies Day. It took us about 3 hours and 15 minutes to get there. Quite a ways, but well worth it. We had a great day in the Lord. The theme of the day was The Joy of the Lord. There were 4 speakers, well actually 5. But the 5th was actually a message.

Yvonne spoke on......hmmmmm..... I cant' remember her exact topic. ( it was about the joy of Lord through.....????)
Shanna spoke on The Joy of the Lord through trials
I spoke on The Joy of the Lord is visible
Darla spoke on The Joy of the Lord in the Word

And then S is Jackie spoke on "The Joy of the Lord"

It was a great day. The Lord met with us there and did not disappoint.

We, had a blast driving there and back home. Vic, of course, kept us in stitches, as always. I think it's her job to be our entertainment. lol

I told Steve last night that it was gonna be a long day. And, it was. We were gone for about 12 or 13 hours. I would do it again though. It was a true blessing.

I hear my bed calling my name early tonight. I'm SO tired. Ahhhhhh.....I love sleeping! I seriously love it.

good nite all


Vicki Smith said...

I intended to go to that Ladies' Day since I first heard of it at the Antioch Ladies' Day. But we just got back from the Philippines Tuesday night and I've been dealing with some serious jet lag and forgot all about it until Friday afternoon when I asked why Sister Shanna left the office early. Oopsie! Nobody around here said anything about it at church Wednesday night. I'm assuming nobody but Sister Jackie went from Zion Hill? As it turns out, I didn't even wake up yesterday morning until 10:15! Considering it's about a 5 or 6 hour drive from here, I would have been a bit late. AND we're having to leave town again today, so I guess I shouldn't feel guilty. --I'm glad to hear it went well and everyone was blessed. I had no doubts about that and I SO wanted to go support the women over there! Maybe I don't feel guity, but I sure feel sad I didn't make it.

Kasey said...

glad you had a good day. See you in 12 days!!

Autumn said...

I would lOVE it if we had a church 3 hours and 15 mins away!! Be very thankful!! our closest is about 9 hours. I'm anxious to hear about how your talk went. I was praying for the whole day!
I also just LOVE LOVE LOVE to sleep!!! I slept all afternoon and can't wait to get back in that bed!