Thursday, July 9, 2009

Must run in the family

My title refers to traveling for the Lord. Going, going, going....from my mom & dad down to my kids......I love it!

I was up this morning at 4:45am to send my kids off to work in the VA/WV youth camp. They have about an 8 hour trip. Kim is the guest minister at the camp and she asked my kids along with Chelsei and Josh to go with her to help out. All of the kids are helping her with some skits for her messages and Chandler is helping Josh with a class for the teen boys. Morgan and Chelsei are teaching the music class for the Junior campers. I am so proud of my kiddos.

Morgan worked last night on her class. She had to buy a song off I-tunes and burn it to a CD and she had to write out the words on to a poster board. She loves that kind of stuff.

Speaking of traveling, my parents have been NON-STOP lately. I catch myself when I say..."I don't know how they do it", because I know it is the strength of the Lord that carries them. In my human thinking...."I don't know how they do it". They are not spring chickens anymore (Ha! sorry momma). But honestly, they love it! Working for the Lord is what they do best, in my opinion. We are going down for their regional convention next weekend. I'm excited about that. I've met some of the people from GA/FL and I'm excited to meet more. From the convention, we are all taking a much needed vacation. We are going to Disney World. I cannot wait!!!!

Living for the Lord, working for Him and His Church is the life I desire for my children. That's all I've ever known and it's all I want for my kids. Truly, if my kids are in His perfect will.......then I'm good!

This day is gonna seem really long. It's only 6:00am. Should I go back to bed? Should I stay up? Hmmmmmmmm......

I could probably get alot done if I stayed up. I'm tired though. But then again, I don't know if I could sleep. I'm rambling.......


LaDonna said...

I'm all for going back to bed!! It is good to see the kids working for the Lord and loving it. i know they will have a great week and I'm sure they will be a blessing while they are there. Hope you have a great vacation. Love you.

Rachel said...

That phrase cracks me up. Do you ever hear anybody say, "You see that girl over there? Now that's a spring chicken!" LOL!

Viv said...

Yep it runs in the family...we all have the same blood of Jesus that gives the desire and strength to "go"...not a better life to be found! I'm sooo thankful and proud of Mo and Cha!